The Ugly Dismantling of The Progressive Label

I’ve long been struck by the black humor that one finds when jumbling the letters found in the label “Progressive.” It wasn’t until last week that I decided to publish a list of the words I could remember I’d discovered at Liberty’s Torch. Thanks to a commenter I was reminded of two words I’d forgotten and one perfect word that was hiding in plain sight that had never occurred to me.

Here is my most recent list beginning with that most fitting word.

  • Ogres
  • Vipers
  • Grieves
  • Grievers
  • Gripes
  • Gripers
  • Gropes
  • Gropers
  • Pigs
  • Spies
  • Peers (“elites”)
  • (The) Press
  • Rogves (borrowing the Latin u)

That’s one heck of a list of roguish words that can be formed from those letters.

The reason I find ogres so fitting is because that mythical creature was purported to abduct and eat children.

The Progs have been in the forefront of eliminating over 60 million pre-bornĀ  since Roe V Wade, and now are openly favoring the abduction of children, many destined for cannibalization.

Indeed, the California AG has been persecuting one journalist for exposing Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby parts since Kamala Harris was CA AG. That persecution continued when the current HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, was AG. And it is ongoing with the current CA AG. The process is the punishment. So it surely seems that Ogres is a most fitting label for all Progs.


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2 Responses to The Ugly Dismantling of The Progressive Label

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    One word you wont find is ‘smart’

    They never learn.

  2. Darin says:

    I started calling them Pedocrats, which is a synonym for
    -leftist,progressive,liberal,democrat,feminist,trans etc etc