Open House 4/24/24

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34 Responses to Open House 4/24/24

  1. Darin says:

    ATF doing what they do best, murdering innocent people-

    Yahoo news

    Oh and if law enforcement is turning off body cams, covering ring cameras and refusing to be on camera….it’s because they are doing something illegal.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Apparently there are so few White racists, Blacks have to manufacture then.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Tyranny by regulation. Like to read at night? That bulb may be too bright!

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Islam is the religion of terror. As usual, Christians are on a par with Jews when it comes to slaughter.

  5. Pascal says:

    “serving a warrant on a suspect in possession of a firearm.” Further lack of details, such as suspect name(s), suggests this was a “from my cold, dead hands” event.

    Certainly NBC will provide the necessary details as they are filled in as to fit the approved narrative.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I’m willing to hold judgement until all the details come out. That being said, I agree, these days, the lack of details does not mean they don’t know them, just that they haven’t released them yet and what you get could well be half truths.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Well, there goes the South Island share of the roading taxes.

    Last I heard, we get less than 5%-10% anyway.

    • mawm says:

      That looks like a geotechnical engineering failure. Even as a non-engineer I know about the “angle of repose” and those cut backs just look too steep for the nature of the soil.

      I think that whole “paying for NI’s roads” went out the window sometime ago as the km per head of capita in the SI exceeds that in the north.

      • Darin says:

        Soil bolts and shotcrete, it’s a bandaid at best. They really would need to cut the tops off those hills and drive sheet piles to stop the slides.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Which idiot signed off on the approval for this boondoggle!?

    Whatever made anyone think this was a good idea? Follow the money?

  8. Darin says:

    I got a bad feeling about this-

    Can we please target all the labs in China and drop tactical nukes on them?

  9. Pascal says:

  10. Pascal says:

    When writing long long form essays, they really don’t fit here, so I post at Liberty’s Torch. (And I am avoiding my own blogger site because I don’t trust Google.)

    I have a series called The Chronicles of the DC [Death Cult]. Today’s was inspired by a 2016 study of air rage, clearly performed by libs or worse leftists.

    Side-stepped by the authors was a finding that runs contradictory to their usual class-envy grievance. I could not let it go unchallenged. The SJWs only focus on stats backing their urge to redistribute wealth. Here was a study providing strong evidence for why the well-to-do, especially the very well-off, wish to eliminate billions of people. That we may at times be happier can’t logically be, so it cannot be tolerated.

    We are actually warned of this possibility in human nature by careful reading of the tenth commandment.

    • Darin says:

      Leftists in general are never happy. Even when wallowing in money and power, still they are miserable and intent on making everyone else around them miserable as well.
      Their behavior reminds me of a scene in the movie Tombstone, where Wyatt Erp asks Doc Holiday what makes a man like Johnny Ringo tick.

      Wyatt- “What makes a man like Ringo Doc, what makes him do the things he does?”
      Doc- “A man like Ringo, gotta great, empty hole, right through the middle of him” “They can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to fill it”
      Wyatt- “What does he need?”
      Doc- “Revenge”
      Wyatt- “For what?”
      Doc- “For being born”

  11. Darin says:

    A line from the movie Oppenheimer: “And one day, When they’ve punished you enough, they’ll serve you salmon and potato salad, make speeches, give you a medal, and pat you in the back telling all is forgiven. Just remember, it won’t be for you… it would be for them.”

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    Mark Levin lays it on the line to Joe Biden.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    Gosh! Who would have thought this would happen when the IRS got all those extra agents.

  14. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’ve been hearing and reading where Joe Biden has been catering to his base at the expense of independents who ‘voted for him’ (sic) last time. I am reminded of Matt 7:26-27 where Jesus speaks of what happens when you build your house on sand “…and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house: and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”

    The base of any structure should be the strongest and best anchored of it all. Given the splintering of the left into Islamists, Nazis and Marxist who will eventually try to slaughter each other, I doubt the strength of Biden’s base. Admittedly about 40% are likely to vote for him simply because he is a Democrat and they hate Trump and conservatives. However, by trying to please everyone, FJB satisfies no one and many are liable to just not vote at all (see recent polls for Black voters).

    Championing groups that can’t even decide what gender they are or know why they are protesting does not sound like a solid foundation on which to build your platform.

  15. Michael in Nelson says:

    And who will be judged more harshly…those who seek to destroy the family, keep people enslaved with lies and fear, corrupt children, butcher the unborn, hate without cause, choose power over principle or…those who see what they are doing but do nothing to stop them?

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