The hardest part of being in a labor union? Keeping the management from stealing everything in sight-
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Know how the left are always calling the right Nazis? Looks like it’s another “blame your opponent for that which you are currently engaging in” moment-
A lot of this would certainly dovetail with modern socialists desires.
That’s why I tell people it pays to study how former dictators came to power. Often times it wasn’t the man that built the party, but the party that built the man and history always repeats. Beware free stuff, the road to Hell is paved wide and straight with them.
Wow — you’re gonna love how this piece reinforces your view in spades.
Yes, homosexuality despite being banned in Nazi Germany, was actually quite prevalent as was rampant drug use.
The failed painter and the failed chicken farmer were both meth addicts by the middle of the war. That some will argue was a good thing, it cause paranoia and several unforced errors in planning that helped the eventual demise of the Reich come sooner than they otherwise would have.
Hmmm. DOJ filing suit now? Did the boilermaker’s union endorse Trump? It would be worse for the regime were the Teamsters to endorse him, so this could be a message being sent. It’s the timing that raises suspicion.
Let this serve as an example of why nobody today rises to head any major office or organ without handles on them. Totalitarianism doesn’t just form over night. It takes years of setting things up and placing the right people in position.
I’m thinking that suit only started because those folks were in the way of somebody they want to install that’s far worse.
This will get a president or VP killed.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just another senior Dem’s relative screwing the taxpayer.
On the sinking of “Bayesian” and the DOJ. Mark Steyn writes about it in his essay “Asleep in the Deep (State)”
Hadn’t heard the connection to the DoJ in the news reports.
Given the recent incidents involving the Do (not)J, a conspiracy theory seems to be in order.
Javier Milei is an economic rockstar-
Clean Green NZ, yeah, right.
Sarah may get her day in court yet-
I for one want to see the NYT bankrupt
A wood chipper is too good for this Administration.
And there we have it, the effect of having petty little bureaucrat tyrants infesting our government at every level. They only laid down the roadblocks they did to create a controversy, so left wing rags like NPR could throw shade on Trump.
Meanwhile they defended POS Biden –
Another fraud scandal at a UN run aid program. Why am I not surprised? When will the West learn the UN is just an organised theft ring?
Of course, since none of the politicians in the West ever see any of the graft coming back to them, they refuse to acknowledge this story exists.
UPDATE: This could actually be a C-section delivery. It is posted implying it wasn’t. It shows puncturing to release the amniotic fluid.
It still upsets me because late term abortions would be far more brutal than what is shown. Commenters who didn’t like it refuse to admit there are any late term abortions despite what has been exposed by hidden cameras. Add that there are big price tags due to demand for body parts, the pro-aborts STILL deny it.
For those who refuse to speak of the Death Cult and of the abortion baby mill profiteers in baby parts. Some might say they should be forced to view this, except I suspect too many of them would get high on it.
What is demonstrated here is how to abort a live baby, extracted likely by Caesarian section, still in its amniotic sac.
I normally embed live videos. But decent people should not be forced to see it. I wish I hadn’t.
Can’t bear to watch. Thanks for not forcing me to.
As it turned out, once I realized the video was of a C-section live birth, I recognized — in my initial reaction — the value of this video to serve as a A Litmus Test For Death Cult Membership.
Check out that link above. It is to my post at Liberty’s Torch. It explains why the video, now, is not hard for those like us to watch.
Thanks for the explanation. The comparison of a C-section to a late term abortion is a situation I have asked pro-abortion people previously. Results may vary.
Note before reading this: I fully understand that there are times, rare times, when an abortion is necessary to prevent the death of the mother, or after the baby has died of injury or disease(These are less than 1% of abortions however) But understand that my comments are directed at those who abort simply due to convenience.
Yes that was a C-section thank God! Abortions aren’t preformed that way. Late term the baby is turned and delivered through the birth canal in the breached position meaning legs and arms first(which is dangerous for the mother BTW). The head is left inside, so technically it’s not a completed delivery (otherwise in most states killing it at that point would be infanticide) and so the mother can’t hear the baby cry and scream as it’s being killed. The butcher(abortion doctor), then shoves a pair of surgical scissors into the base of the baby’s skull making a hole for a suction catheter which is used to suction the baby’s brain out killing it. Then the skull is crushed and collapsed, so the now lifeless body can be completely removed discarded (they used to say discarded, but we now know it’s sold off for profit).
Earlier stages of development, the butcher reaches in with a pair of tongs and pokes around until they find the baby’s head, then they crush it and tear the baby apart limb by limb and remove it in pieces. Often times the baby is resisting this, struggling to survive, so the butcher just starts tearing off pieces until the baby dies, then they crush the skull.
Earlier still, the baby’s embryonic sack is injected and filled with a saline and lye solution which then burns and dissolves the baby alive.
Note that in ALL of these procedures, the baby feels fear and feels excruciating pain while it’s fighting to live.
To the women that have had abortions- There is still time for you to repent and turn from evil. Many of you didn’t know what you were actually doing and many of you were lied to about what was involved.Many of you now know and suffer in silence knowing that you killed your unborn child. For you there is hope of redemption.
To those that knew all along. The doctors, the judges, the politicians, the media types. Judgement is coming, it will not be swift and it will not be pleasant, but it will be final and I for one can’t wait to see it carried out.
Super comment. Wish it were at LT.
As if there wasn’t enough evidence of the need for a complete overhaul of the FBI.
Might have something to do with who the perps are in those cases??
To any who might disagree with your assessment, I give you the lack of indictments (not to mention prosecutions) of Jeffery Epstein’s clients.
If you’re just realising this, you haven’t been paying attention for at least 8 years.
Toadies? No, Enablers, the author of that is late to the party. We know that 95% of “journalists”in the US donate to the DNC and other far left groups. Make no mistake, it’s not by accident, but by design.
Joke: What’s the difference between US journalists and Soviet era Pravda?
Punchline: Nobody knows.
The whole lot of the self identified “elites” are a swamp of tone deaf, narcissistic, overpaid, horrible people. Most of them are of the mentally ill left.
Here is just one example of enablement. Please excuse the link; I needed the photo and the search engine threw it up via this portal.
Yep,all members of the pedo-death cult.
Doesn’t the VP require security clearance? That might pose a issue for the Dem nominee.
Chronicling the Death Cult.
Well, the whole scam is there to convince us there are too many people and at least a third ned to be culled. I don’t think the proponents include themselves in the list though.
The Russians bombed the Poltava Institute of Military Communications with 2 hypersonic missiles. The number dead and wounded are as yet undetermined but reports range from 50 to 750 dead! Amongst those killed are Swedish electronic experts who were training Ukrainians how to operate the 2 Saab AWACs being donated to them. Again their numbers are not yet known but the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs has resigned. He was heavily involved in getting Sweden into NATO.
Once again the Swedes are getting involved in other countries’ affairs. It serves them right. They funded the South African ANC bombing campaign against civilians to help the “noble savages” and then they took them into their country just so that could personally experience the benefits of the multiculturalism they brought along, and now they are seeing the benefits of arming and training Ukrainian soldiers.
What is even more ironic is that it happened in Poltava –
The Battle of Poltava (8 July 1709) was the decisive and largest battle of the Great Northern War. The Russian army under the command of Tsar Peter I defeated the Swedish army under the command of Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld.
And the multiculturalism resulted in crimes virtually unheard of in Sweden before its introduction.
I should have inserted a “sarcasm” emoji. Of course the main benefits of 3rd world migration are welfare dependence, crime, violence and rape.
Inhalable vaccines? Self assembling nanoparticles? Don’t worry, just wear a mask and you will not inhale the vaccine. (Sarc!)
This video makes me want to vomit. The number of lies! There have never been successful vaccines against HIV or malaria …. and suddenly by producing “cheap” RNA vaccines we can cure the world and eradicate disease!
I have previously mentioned “magic dust”. This is real and there was a lot of work being done on it in the ’90’s. Lots of the publications I had read about it seem to have been hidden, especially those about self assembling nanoparticles, but there are still bits about it on the net.
This should be good for a case of popcorn.
Not going to help his career though.
This may explain the current surge of Bird Flu.
Follow the money.