The Treaty of Waitangi..a monstrous scam.

Well, of course it is. A vehicle used to transfer vast amounts of money and assets from working Kiwis to a largely unproductive section of the population based on nothing more than race and often spurious historical “grievances”. A gravy train for maori and the vast army of lawyers and activists who see in the “settlement process” an opportunity to fleece the taxpayer. Yet, this Treaty –used and distorted, misrepresented and rammed down Kiwi’s throats –may well not even be the “real” treaty at all.  see here and here
‘……The official disinterest in details of the treaty coincided with top-level negotiations that were proceeding at that time, which resulted in the Treaty of Waitangi (Fisheries Claims) Settlement Act 1992. In that deal, the government allocated a cash settlement for Maori tribal corporations to buy a half share of Sealord, the countries largest fishing company, as well as 20 percent of the commercial quota share of new species introduces to the quota management system, and the equivalent of 20 percent of all marine farming space created around New Zealand coasts and harbours.

The claimed legitimacy of that settlement was detailed in the first clause of the preamble of the 1992 Act, which said: “By the Treaty of Waitangi the Crown confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs, tribes, and individual Maori full exclusive and undisturbed possession and te tino rangatiratanga of their fisheries.”

Now here’s the thing, neither the Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi, nor the Littlewood text, have any reference to fisheries, or forests.’ source

And the process continues, allowing maori to claim everything from part of the radio spectrum (!) to a disproportionate say in the governance of New Zealand. Aided and abetted by a succession of cynical, cowardly politicians and judges who see in the process numerous opportunities to re-shape NZ society in ways which are racist and discriminatory. No wonder the Littlewood Treaty has been quietly shelved….

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