‘Study questions date of Maori arrival in NZ’

Bawaahahaha! This is delicious!
‘Research showing Maori may have reached New Zealand later than previously believed may have implications for the Waitangi Tribunal, a New Zealand historian says.
…..AUT University History Professor, Paul Moon said the study might have “far-reaching implications for Maori oral history”.
Maori oral histories which recall lists of ancestors have been used to date the first arrival in New Zealand as early as 800 AD, Dr Moon said.
“If these Maori whakapapa [genealogies] are out by over five hundred years, then this must raise questions about their reliability.
“If Maori reached New Zealand waters just 300 years before the first Europeans, some people might also start to reconsider the idea of Maori being indigenous.”
…However, Api Mahuika of Ngati Porou told Radio New Zealand he did not think the study was the last word in scientific research on New Zealand settlement and would continue to believe in the oral tradition.‘               source

I bet he will–why ruin a good and lucrative scam with mere science, eh? And obviously, brown belief must be superior to carbon dating. yessir.  These primitives are not “indigenous people”–they’re merely (maybe) the first immigrants.

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