Indigenous frolics:

‘Teen accused of assaulting 1-year-old
A 17-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly assaulting a 1-year-old child and stabbing a 26-year-old woman with a fork in Kaikohe overnight.
Northland police Inspector Clifford Paxton said the child sustained a broken arm and bruising to the head.
The 17-year-old male is to appear in the Kaikohe District Court today to face charges also relating to previous domestic violence incidents, including male assaults female, assault with intent to injure, wounds with intent to injure and threatens to kill.’                 source

Given the nature of the (alleged) offences and the location (Kaikohe) it’s a penny to a pound that the (alleged) offender is a maori. Life on welfare, eh…..never a shortage of things to do. There are kids to assault, cars to steal, homes to burglarize and dope to smoke and sell. It’s that “post-colonial stress syndrome” one of their leaders was talking about, obviously. They’re victims.

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