‘Southern’s Serenade’

‘Dance if you want 2! Southern’s Serenade is now on the air! It’s your 24/7 DJ dominating the world wide airwaves. And I ain’t kidding we gonna dominate the entire web. My purpose is to find first rate music videos posted on You Tube. Join me for a few selections of really, really good music videos. My hope is that you folks in our 56th and 57th states and you ‘merican visitors to this blog like my selections, but if you don’t you can kiss my country ass.  HERE Now that was a good one! Call in your requests now! At once!

Honey let me sing you a song. Hit it! HERE If you have a guitar and some good hooks, you can make fine music, post it and have thousands of people see your work. Some wrong thinking people want to regulate the Internet. What the hell for? They got something against people doing their thing? Searching You Tube became an obsessive compulsive disorder 4 me, and surely there is much stuff there that will never be seen. Mr. KG has been kind enough to allow me to post this stuff. (He held a gun to my head. kg) These girl singers, The Pierces, work out of New York City and have some videos viewed in the hundreds of thousands. All that I want   HERE has a good sound in a small venue, the kind of place it’s fun to go to.

And who don’t want to do this? Roll in your sweet baby’s arms HERE These Bluegrass pickers look like they are in a trailer somewhere and they can kick it out, can’t they?

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