Southern’s Serenade–blues bands

Here we are once again on the Earth Wide Web. And this program will be centered on Blues. Ain’t nobody except “mericans got the Blues and you know that. So HIT IT!We are gonna start off with an individual who has a following found by a search on You Tube for blues pickers or blues bands: “Walkin’ Blues” is the song, an old blues song. And from this picker we gonna go to blues bands and well known songs at the end if U are into music which U may R may not B. Next is Drink Small , a local South Carolina blues picker. First time I ever saw him was a long time ago in a garage with a bunch of people. He is singing his hit song, Bishopville.

Pickin up the pace and filling out the band we hook up with Morgan Davis’ “Waffle House Blues” Now on this one you would have to be a customer of Waffle House, an eating place located near most every Intersteak highway intersection in America. As a rule, I get two over-medium, grits, toast and black coffee and the time of day really does not count so it was fun to find this tune.

Upping the on topic tempo Jeff Healey who hits the kind of rhythym that might make you get up off your a$$ and dance even if it with yourself. Get up. Y’all at least bookmark this one. I have seen some bands like this and that is why I may not be quite right. Expand the screen and turn it up.

Howlin Bill “Six feet five” Finding this group and song searching local blues bands made my assignment [with KG holding his popgun on me] so much much worthwhile that I almost cried. If you down you got the blues and nothing can get you up but sometimes a beat and guitar can do it. You down? You got the blues? look for me next time on the Earth Wide Web with more soul redeeming music from the Great Infidel, America.

Y’all try to be good, know you can’t, love ya Baby, Southern

ps: Bruce Hornbuckle Band covers Alman Brothers song, There’s a Man Down There

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