This just in

via email: (thanks Southern!)
‘The Patriot Act is scheduled to sunset in a matter of weeks but the statists in D.C. plan to reauthorize it as soon as tomorrow without any debate.

You see, they’re taking advantage of a parliamentary trick known as the Suspension Calendar which allows votes with no hearings and no debate but is only supposed to be used for “non-controversial” legislation.

Reauthorization of the mis-named Patriot Act gives government jackboots more and more tools in their war on gun owners and gun rights activists, who Obamacrats smear as “Radical Extremists” and even “Domestic Terrorists.”

Some of the very worst provisions of the Patriot Act include:
•    Roving, warrantless wiretaps of virtually EVERY form of electronic communication used by U.S. citizens.

•    Secret federal searches without warrants OR knowledge of the resident.

•    Blanket warrants for the search and seizure of all library records, without naming individual suspects or providing probable cause.

•    Judicial warrants replaced with “National Security Letters” signed by unaccountable Obama Administration bureaucrats and gag orders for those served with these letters which make it illegal to tell anyone about it — including your spouse and your priest!

•    Drastic expansion of the definition of “domestic terrorism,” which is sure to include gun owners.

•    Expands asset seizure to permit the taking of assets from anyone “suspected” of terrorism, even if that person is NEVER charged or sent to trial.

•    Lone wolf provisions which allow the government to spy on ANYONE even if they’re not associated with a terrorist organization or foreign national, without due process or notification.’

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