Gillard and the Lefty Gang–a massive failure:

‘….We’re now familiar with the amazing litany of programs Labor has proposed and then junked in just three years in power.
Count them: FuelWatch, Grocery Watch, free insulation, cash-for-clunkers, solar energy rebates, the green loans scheme, the original mining super profits tax, the green car scheme, an emissions trading scheme by 2011, a takeover of public hospitals if no funding agreement by 2009, and more.
Then there’s the failures: the Building the Education Revolution (BER) rorts, the free computer delays, the superclinic delays and their doctorless-services, the phantom East Timor detention centre, the explosion of boat people arrivals after the “reform” of the Howard government’s laws, Rudd’s dead-on-arrival new Asia forum, “co-operative federalism”, the soccer World Cup bid … well, I won’t go on.
Name any government that failed so often so fast.
Now name one success Gillard has racked up in the eight months she has been Prime Minister. It’s easier to predict her next likely failure.
This is beyond astonishing. The only thing to rival it is the apparent belief of so many voters and commentators that these are mere hiccups, and something better can be expected from Labor soon.’

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