Not the Naughty Corner! Anything but that, sir!

‘Cornered and scared in the toilet block of her school, a 13-year-old Morrinsville girl had no escape as four bullies beat her so badly they left her with a brain injury.
A week later those four girls are back at Morrinsville College – but their victim is not.
She has spent a week in and out of in hospital and is now under 24-hour care at home, with the prospect of never recovering fully from the attack.
…….”Principal John Inger wouldn’t have had them back here unless he and the board were persuaded that [the girls] had moved on.”
Mr Inger said the girls would “almost certainly be looking for a different school” if they did something like this again.‘     source

My word, yes. One brain-damaged little girl may be overlooked, after all. But two? There are limits, even where teachers are concerned. And by the sound of it, Mr. Inger has already enjoyed the attentions of the four feral scumbags….
UPDATE: Oswald Bastable has the solution–for the four girls and the principal.

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