Gillard gives Greens 20 per cent cut of flood levy

‘Julia Gillard’s flood levy to rebuild Quensland is now also a Greens levy for mad green schemes that Labor admitted only two weeks ago were a huge waste of money:
As she struggled to muster enough votes to win approval for her $1.8 billion flood levy, the Prime Minister yesterday scrapped $100m in proposed cuts to her solar flagships program and $264m to the national rental affordability scheme, to win Greens support.
That’s 20 per cent of the $1.8 billion to be raised for Queensland flood damage – siphoned off to buy the Greens’ vote…’               Andrew Bolt

Corrupt behaviour doesn’t get much more blatant than this–stealing from taxpayers to bribe a lunatic minority party in order to shore up support for Labor. So they can steal more money.

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