Nazis–you meet them every day.

‘Pensioner faces £20,000 fine after losing 18-month battle with council after installing ‘wrong type’ of white front door
A retired pensioner has lost an 18-month legal battle after his local council threatened him with a £20,000 fine for installing the ‘wrong type’ of door on his home…’

There’s a kind of morbid fascination, looking at Brit newspapers and observing the decline of a once-great people, brought down (in part) by inadequate little people scrambling for a degree of security and authority among the ruins.
But what’s more interesting is an aspect which is shared by the populations of all Western countries–a supine, cowardly silence in the face of petty tyrants. Why is that?
Perhaps the frog has finally been brought to the boil….more likely, though, the tyranny of little men and wimmin is endured because the costs of resisting them are utterly disproportionate–at least for those who have worked to accumulate a little property. So the choice is resist- and risk losing everything, or join that vast army of kapos and apparatchiks. Scumbags who have not only traded self-respect (but not self esteem, nossir) and independence for security and power but scum who in their smug assumption of some kind of moral “right” are but millimetres away from those who herded Jews and other “undesirables” into the cattle cars.
And if that seems like an assumption too far, ask yourself–what order from their political masters would these smug self-righteous bastards be prepared to defy as a “step too far”?
I very much doubt there is one.
But the source of this sickness lies within us. We, the people. Become soft and compliant, made malleable by generations of easy living which has given us the ability to dodge and weave and avoid the hard choices which moulded the characters of our forefathers. We deserve what we’ve become and until things fall apart completely -and we’re forced to become once again men, not sheep- nothing will change.

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