the latest Woodpile Report

is up. And full of meaty goodness, as usual.

‘It’s going down. This wholly illegitimate regime and the putrefying, corrupt and outright anti-Constitutional establishment it serves has its beneficiaries and protectors but no friends. Loyalty is being bought, not earned. One obvious tell: illegitimacy obviates accountability, our rulers feel quite free to display put their contempt for the citizenry. And they do. Notice how transparency is all one way. Notice how national elections have devolved from auctions on our future earnings to an elaborate hoax, and why not, we have government by prank where legislation is passed, published and debated, in that order. What they don’t need with no steenking electorate. It’s just one of the many ways they’ve plugged those annoying “avenues of redress”, and so the rage seethes and builds. Look around, it passed the crisis level some time ago. But, and it’s a huge but, efforts to contain it are faltering and visibly so. They’re losing control of the citizenry and they’re losing control of events. It’s end-game stuff, we know it and they know it…’

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