Mr Porretto nails it:

‘..Pastor Terry Jones has reminded us — we who have forgotten that Muslims rioted and killed nine people over a batch of line drawings! — what we face. And far too many of us, feeling our fears of our “Muslim neighbors” surge, have blamed Pastor Jones for our own cowardice. As badly as we needed the reminder, apparently we aren’t yet willing to admit to our own weaknesses, much less draw the moral from the events of the day.
Were we ever to rid ourselves of the notion that Islam is “a religion of peace,” we’d fall upon the Middle East, North Africa, Sudan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Muslim enclaves in Europe, and every other Islamic hellhole in a body. We’d purge that noxious creed from the world out of righteous wrath and humanitarian concern for all decent persons who want only to live in peace. Anyone who would dare to suggest that we’d be wrong to do so would earn our undying contempt.
UPDATE: Today’s New York Times, one of Islam’s more prominent mouthpieces in the United States, today features a Section 1, Page 4 article whose headline is:
Koran-Burning Pastor Unrepentant in Face of Furor
Your Curmudgeon doesn’t recall comparably accusatory Times headlines over mass Bible-burnings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. In fact, he doesn’t recall that the Times covered those events at all. Maybe that’s because they’re so commonplace as to be other than news. Or maybe it’s that Christians don’t go on violent rampages in response to such events..’
The whole thing HERE

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