‘…..Obama and his people are drowning us in a talk tsunami. I am convinced that much of it is, for them, meaningless, meant merely to overload our capacity for outrage and give their house media “issues,” ostensibly to debate each evening, but really for generating a constant supply of vehicles through which to diminish the opposition and generally desensitize the country to the enormity of what Obama is doing. The outrage fatigue grows and conservatives scramble to confront the dizzying torrent of talk, talk, with a tone increasingly shrill and desperation — borne intramural wrangling. The release of the birth certificate, “Something special about the Resurrection,” and other peculiar Easter omissions and commissions, the rise and disappearance of the political “civility” issue, keeping alive for months the fantasy of New York City trials for 9/11 conspirators, the great Fatwa against down time naps for drowsy air traffic controllers, UN international legal rights for Mother Earth, endless reprises of canards about the evil effects of conservative talk radio, the Ground Zero Mosque contretemps, TSA groping policy, attacking Arizona’s immigration enforcement initiative, embracing Al Sharpton and giving the New Black Panthers a pass, Michelle’s “You don’t want fries with that!” campaign…’ source
H/T Pascal ‘Must you fiddle while America Burns?’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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