The latest Woodpile Report is up

and I hardly know where to start quoting. It’s chock-full of stuff like this:
‘DHS Domestic Terrorist Profile – Dept. of Homeland Security Publication IA-0257-09, Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, .pdf available here. Domestic terrorists express libertarian philosophies, have Second Amendment-oriented views, read survivalist literature, believe in self-sufficiency, fear economic collapse, have religious views concerning the book of Revelation, express fears of Big Brother or Big Government, they homeschool, make declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties and believe in a New World Order conspiracy. Domestic terrorists. Now you know.’

Think about that list. This Administration is but a hair’s breadth away from declaring all opposition to government as “domestic terrorism”. That’ll be most people to the right of Pol Pot and Nancy Pelosi. And where is the Republican party opposition to this filth? Undetectable? Of course—it serves their interests too.

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