Respect the law? Why bother?

‘LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) — Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that is the center of a labor dispute, said Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha.
Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates about 4:30 a.m. and smashed windows in the guard shack, he said.
No one was hurt, and nobody has been arrested. Most of the protesters returned to their union hall after cutting brake lines and spilling grain from car at the EGT terminal, Duscha said…’   (thanks to Darin for the tip)
But SWAT teams are available for the intimidation of peaceful protesters, for kicking down the doors of private homes and shooting pets and innocent people by “mistake”. Why wasn’t the union hall surrounded and the perps rounded up and arrested? Where’s the video of the riot?
Imagine–if you can–a Tea Party rally getting out of hand with people smashing windows, taking hostages. It would be splashed all over the media, there would be mass arrests and national outrage. The double standard is by now so deeply entrenched that people barely notice it.

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