No, Mr Bolt, we’re not “winning”

“TEN years after the September 11 attacks we can say we’re winning the war on Islamist terrorism.”   Andrew Bolt
I left the following comment under that post:
‘If this is what “winning” looks like, I’d hate to see defeat.
We have to endure invasive, humiliating searches when travelling overseas, our emails and telephone conversations may be monitored by the state without a warrant, criticism of the ideology we’re supposedly fighting renders us liable to prosecution for “hate speech”,while Muslims hold rallies in Western cities with impunity calling for the death of the infidels. The so-called “war” has cost countless billions of dollars and thousands of lives and there’s no end in sight.
We’re waging half a war, a reactive, culturally nervous spasm of resentment while our liberties are chipped away in the name of “security”.
If I were an islamist, I’d count that as a win.’

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