“Your” children? Only so long as the State allows it.

(thanks to Lucia Maria for the tip)

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14 Responses to “Your” children? Only so long as the State allows it.

  1. Kris K says:

    That’s a scary [UK] article, Keith, and with the anti-family [anti-smacking] law here in NZ one wonders how far we are from seeing similar atrocities carried out by the state and its agents in this country.

    Something else to ‘thank’ John Key for – a curse upon his house!

  2. KG says:

    I ran an item months ago, how local council apparatchiks were taking children away from their biological parents–on the flimsiest of pretexts–and handing them over to homosexual couples to “adopt”.
    Honestly, I believe the time has come for open warfare. Nothing else is going to fix this mess. When petty agents of the State can seize children and give them to those with the “right” ideological bent then it’s time for some killing.

  3. ZenTiger says:

    There is a lot that is disturbing in the above story.

    1. Secret Courts
    2. The same judge “judging” a complaint against him
    3. The police having no inclination to verify reasonable charges before acting on them
    4. The complacency such events generate in other areas of government
    5. The complacency we are collectively putting up with this
    6. No seeming ability to appeal, and certainly not to an independent body
    7. The time taken to review such cases can be years – ridiculous when children are involved.

    But its just the tip of the iceberg

  4. Lucia Maria says:

    This is the sort of thing I was posting about (coming out of Sweden) a number of years back before our anti-smacking law came into effect. It’s a result of aggressive secularism that sees nothing special about the family, and so feels no compunction in breaking one up.

    Our laws here in NZ would allow for this sort of thing easily. We have the secret courts, parents no longer have special rights to their children, just responsibilities (via the Care of Children Act) and increased reasons for social workers to have a look at families (via the anti-smacking law) – the only thing we don’t have yet are financial incentives for the social workers.

  5. KG says:

    “the only thing we don’t have yet are financial incentives for the social workers…”
    It will come. NZ will be a mirror image of Europe within a very few years.

  6. Lucia Maria says:

    There’s always miraculous intervention, KG!

    • Darin says:

      It says a lot about our “culture” when we allow these bastards to treat children worse than farm animals.I pray that lightening starts striking these bastards dead,may the bodies stack up like cord wood.Is it wrong to pray God’s judgement to be poured out on these evil dogs?

      • Lucia Maria says:


        You’ve just got to be careful that your prayers aren’t motivated by revenge.

        When it comes to it, God’s judgement will catch up with everyone who deserves it (and doesn’t take advantage of His Mercy) at the end. In the meantime, how we deal with what is going on with everything around us is a test of our character.

        A book that really helps with seeing things in a more eternal way is Quo Vadis – I’d strongly recommend it.

  7. KG says:

    hmmmmm…..in my experience, a few grains of Pb@2000fps is somewhat more reliable than hoping for miracles, Lucia Maria. ;-)
    Pray, by all means–but keep your powder dry.

  8. KG says:

    Perhaps what me need is less tolerance of the intolerable and more vengeance, not less. Tolerating incremental assaults on decency is what has brought us to this point.
    I’m aware of “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” but I frankly don’t agree.
    Only swift and awful retribution will deter the statists and collectivists and waiting for miracles is too often simply a way of kicking the can down the road, waiting for the dirty work to be done by another agency.
    As the Egyptian Copts are finding out right now……

  9. Lucia Maria says:


    There is a difference between working towards the good, and taking retribution on those who have wronged you. The first has the blessing of God behind it, the second does not.

    There have been a number of miraculous occurrences in the last century that directly changed what was happening in the world. For instance, the shortening of WWII and the fall of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, what was needed for the containment of Communism was not done and as predicted, Russia has spread her errors throughout the world. It’s now morphed into aggressive secularism. What is really needed for that to turn around is a massive change of heart. That can only happen through miraculous means. Likewise with the problems in the Muslim world.

    This change of heart always has to start with the individual. It’s all very well wanting the world to change around you, but you need to change too. :)

  10. KG says:

    LM, should agents of the State turn up one day and take your children from you, I suspect what course of action has “the blessing of God” will figure pretty low on your list of priorities.
    If not, it should. The first imperative of the family unit must always be to preserve that unit. It’s no accidental quirk of evolution that an animal shows almost suicidal courage in defending both its young and its territory, because without those two things the species–and the society that species inhabits–is doomed.
    ‘Fight for it or lose it’ is the merciless imperative of survival. All else is window-dressing and a quantum of solace.
    It’s no use quoting scripture and (selective) Christian dogma to me….the further down the totalitarian track we travel (and the speed of that journey is increasing rapidly) the less relevant it looks.
    I happen not to admire martyrs who are burning at the stake, bible in hand, when armed insurrection might at least have given them a fighting chance. In fact, the more I look at modern Christianity, the more it appears to me to be a pacifist, passive, defeatist view of a world which has become unrelentingly hostile to the things our forbears built and valued.

  11. KG says:

    Oh, and the fall of the Soviet Union wasn’t a “miraculous occurrence”–it was the direct result of relatively free capitalist societies being able to out-spend their sclerotic centrally-directed manufacturing base. And the communists simply moved to phase two (or twenty) and undermined the West from within–and that’s been very successful indeed.
    In a sense, that “miracle” you speak of is far, far more threatening than an armed and militarily aggressive USSR.

  12. WAKE UP says:

    Lucia; “When it comes to it, God’s judgement will catch up with everyone who deserves it (and doesn’t take advantage of His Mercy) at the end. In the meantime, how we deal with what is going on with everything around us is a test of our character.”

    Correct – and as I say so often, it doesn’t matter what you believe, it’s what you DO that counts, and some of us a sick of waiting around for deus ex machina to finally spring into action…

    Here’s the antidote to lazy waiting-on-God “faith” :

    God will, but I won’t
    God does , but I don’t
    And that’s the difference
    Between God and me.

    (from a song by Lyle Lovett)