‘Global Revolution Brought To You By Big Government, Big Business & Big Labor

Nearly a year ago, when the Tunisian uprising sparked the beginning of what would later be dubbed the Arab Spring, many in the Western World were transfixed by the seemingly spontaneous popular uprisings. However, what many have viewed as the impromptu uprisings of the oppressed appear to be more the result of a quietly-conducted campaign called 21st Century Statecraft that was birthed and nurtured by the U.S. State Department, some of America’s most well-known corporations, the U.S. labor movement and the global Left….’      source

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5 Responses to ‘Global Revolution Brought To You By Big Government, Big Business & Big Labor

  1. Robertvdl says:

    Geraldo Rivera Humiliated By Wall Street Protesters
    Wall Street protesters don’t bring Freedom back I rather think the opposite will be true.

    Geraldo Rivera dropped by Occupy Wall Street NY on 10/16 for a news segment. He had this to say after his appearance.


  2. WAKE UP says:

    I find Rivera unwatchable.

    • KG says:

      Didn’t he used to be a raving leftard? So why did Fox give him a job?

      • Darin says:

        Same reason they had Alan Combs on and that goofy smirking Lesbo,it’s that”Fair and Balanced” Horsecrap I say,no need to be fair or balanced the rest of the TV dial isn’t.