Open house

My pet hate: Slow drivers who speed up when they reach an overtaking lane. What’s yours?

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56 Responses to Open house

  1. Andrei says:

    Police officers with radar guns at the end of passing lanes, positioned there in the knowing of your despicable creatures and the fact that people such as yours truly will pass them only by exceeding the magical 4kph tolerance.

    It’s a financial opportunity that I sigh unfortunately have contributed to.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The 62% of drongo NZers who think this country is heading in the right direction.

    They’re the fucking morons who will vote the rest of us into tyranny and slavery.

  3. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Some soothing music for the frustrated motorist…..And others ;-)

  4. Katie says:

    Gilad Shalit is home so why does Israel have to release the remaining 550 murderers?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Because they gave their word to do so, Katie, and to not honour their promise reduces them to the level of their energy. Of course, each of the terrorists needs to be RFID’ed before release, so the IDF forces can later hunt them down for extermination.

      • Darin says:

        That was my exact idea the otherday-“okay guys line up for your free Flu shot…..ya,uh,Flu shot ;-)

  5. Darin says:

    Banana pudding,I hate Banana pudding.

  6. andy5759 says:

    Moron pedestrians who press the crossing button, then look, see it’s all clear, then cross. moments later cars are stopped at the red light while no bugger is crossing.
    And I DON’T DRIVE!!!
    Smug, pavement riding, planet saving, flourescent cyclists. Oh don’t get me started on that. Now, where’s that soothing music?

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Drivers who don’t turn on their turn signals until the last second.

  8. Darin says:

    Busy morning at work-

    Oh and people who are to sorry to sweep the floor for $10/hr

  9. maxx says:

    Drivers who like to keep 4 car lengths behind the car in front of them when they are stopped in rush hour traffic, thereby leaving a car or two stranded in the middle of an intersection behind them.

  10. James Stephenson says:

    Nissan Micras…come to think of it, there’s a big intersection with KG there…

  11. andy5759 says:

    Hah! Crusader Wabbit recommended Chasemeladies a couple of days ago. There is a wonderful video on there to gladden the heart of any anti cyclist. I can stop listening to Sailing By now.

  12. Darin says:

    Reminds me of this one :grin:

  13. WAKE UP says:

    Pet hates: the feel of wet cellophane (don’t ask :mrgreen: )

  14. WAKE UP says:

    Redbaiter said: The 62% of drongo NZers who think this country is heading in the right direction. They’re the fucking morons who will vote the rest of us into tyranny and slavery.

    Problem is, Red, that it wasn’t heading in the right direction with the previous lot either :???:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Mate, NZ stopped heading in the “right” direction in about 1960. I’ve often wondered if NZ wasn’t the back-up plan. Y’know, the long, slow march to socialism as Plan B in case the more obvious path of the glorious USSR collapsed?

      • Darin says:

        Remember Gnatt when Nikita Khrushchev said the Communists would conquer America without firing a shot?

        You can probably count Great Britain,Australia,New Zealand etc,etc right along with that.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yep. I don’t “remember” Kruschev saynig it because I’m not that … experienced. But I do know the quote.

          What I do know is that the second-most-successful confidence trick ever pulled was allowing the world to think Reagan won the Cold War. He may have beaten the USSR, but he didn’t beat communism – the Berlin wall was keeping the worst of communism hemmed in (both physically and psychologically). Since it collapsed it’s oozed out and infected the entire Western world.

          • KG says:

            Dead right. One of the USSR’s leaders (i forget who) stated openly that the fall of the Berlin wall was mere PR and that communism was well on track to achieving its objectives.

          • Darin says:

            That’s because the western commies slithered away into environmentalism/multiculturalism,hence the massive global cabal and the eastern commies began ramping up for the WOT/big distraction.

            I think Reagan did the best he possibly could and believed that the presidents who came after him would follow in his foot steps.Hasn’t been the case though,neither of the Bush’s,nor Clinton did and Obama,well he is Stalin reincarnated so there we have it.

  15. Bob says:

    Speeding up drivers are just a short term irritant, forgotten 5 minutes later – but the Green Party, they irritate me every day! Please let’s go back to FPP just to get rid of them.

    • KG says:

      There’s going to be a huge campaign against FPP, Bob. The divide and conquer features of MMP suit our masters just fine.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Which is why the watermelons, Liarbore and their union masters are all campaigning like there’s no tomorrow to keep MMP, while National are campaigning on a de facto basis, by not campaigning.

        WhaleOil has been running a pretty good series about this, particularly why National should be advocating change.

  16. George Romero says:

    Listening to dumb ignorant wimmin in the checkout line at the supermarket, swooning over sonny bill williams on the cover of some pathetic rag of a magazine , commenting that his ”girlfriend” is ”soooo ugly” , ”what a waste of meat” and that they would be a ”far better girlfriend” than her……morons,NO FKIN CLUE!What sbw would have instore for them , would be a little bit different than what their daydream fantasies are :roll:

  17. Seneca III says:

    An awful lot of things beginning with ‘P’:

    Pantyhose; Politicians; Police; Paedophiles; Procurers; Pedants; Priests (Muslim, that is); Pimps; Parasites (human): Pickpockets (we are infested with the eastern European Roma variety over here); (other) Pikeys; Posturing fools; PMT; Panderers; Palestinians; Predators (human, again); Prophetss (one in particular); Pavlova; Pinkos; Posers; Peers of the Realm (aka Parasites); Piles; Plonkers; Prats; Papparazi; Politicians, Politicians, Politicians and Pantyhose. So there!…SIII.

  18. The Gantt Guy says:

    Pet Hate? Stupid People. And as I get older, I’m finding the word “stupid” at the front of that comment is tautology. Either I’m getting less tolerant or there really *are* more and more stupid people in the world every damn day.

    Oh, and Apple’s f*cking auto-correct. I f*cking HATE that thing.

    By way of an update: Gantt Gone Home. Is on temporary release from the PRV, in Auckland for a couple of weeks to see if the economy can sustain one more (or, in Auckland, perhaps just one) Conservative*. Arrived yesterday, and I have to say with all the posturing and wankery going on there must be an election coming up. Not that anyone is listening, at least until after Sunday.

    *Given that any friend of the Wabbit is a friend of mine, if anyone wants to buy me a coffee or a beer while I’m in town I’d be glad to.

    • KG says:

      “Either I’m getting less tolerant or there really *are* more and more stupid people in the world every damn day”
      There are.
      We don’t know anybody in Auckland apart from Gecko’s family, Gantt. And I wouldn’t inflict them on you. If you were heading to Wellington you could catch up with the estimable Oswald Bastable, though. A very fine man indeed.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Yep, were I headed for Shakytown I’d definitely look to catch up with both Os and Kris.

        I actually didn’t really expect any takers – having spent the day today tripping around, it’s a lonely place for a Conservative to be!

        • Kris K says:

          Would be great to catch up, too, Gantt, if you ever get down this way.

          I often ponder how we get to know each other through our comments here, and you do form a mental picture of the person and certainly their personality comes through. And yet we could pass each other on the street without a clue. Maybe we should all get “Crusader Rabbit” t-shirts made up just in case :mrgreen: And then of course we have our international regulars [States, UK, etc].

          You can really see why the Marxists hate [especially] Conservative blogs where like minded people from all around the globe can gather and put together battle plans.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            hmmm … CR t-shirts. CR bumper stickers. CR penants.

            Better yet, we could just come up with a secret handshake and be done with it. :cool:

            • Darin says:

              KG needs his own radio talk show 11:00-2:00 Mon-Friday.
              He could be the Aussie Rush Limbaugh :shock:

              • KG says:

                Too radical, too inflammatory, too insensitive….the urban liberals would have a fit, Darin. :lol:

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                I think that was the point, KG, to make the Liberals pitch a fit.

                Hey, if Rush can do it…

  19. mara says:

    Drivers who are so terrified at roundabouts that they freeze for 5 minutes then, suddenly aware that they are holding up about 50 cars, do a suicide dash into the side of an oncoming car. Sad but true; it is invariably small, yellow women, of whom there are a great many in my neighbourhood. :roll:

    • Darin says:

      Mara,roundabouts aren’t very common over here,but there is one near me in an elevated express way forty feet off the ground that makes five interchanges at 55 mph.
      Oddly enough it is also small yellow women that have the most trouble with it too. :smile:

      • Kris K says:

        RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISTS :shock: :oops: :mrgreen:

        • Darin says:

          Saying watch out for the Tiger doesn’t mean I don’t like Tigers,it just means I don’t want to be eaten.

          Or in this case stand in the middle of the freeway with a four foot tall Asian lady yelling at me :lol:

  20. WAKE UP says:

    And the small yellow women seem even smaller because of the bloody big cars they drive.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      :lol: They put blocks on the pedals of their Prados and Lexus so they can operate the brakes n accelerator (no need for a clutch because they can’t drive a manual)

      • Kris K says:

        And again I say RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISTS :shock: :oops: :mrgreen:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yeah sorry. Not *everyone* who drives a Prado or Lexus is small, yellow and/or female.

          There was that Chinese methamphetamine manufacturer (and sickness beneficiary) who got busted about 6 months ago. He had a Lexus. And a Prado. D’Oh, there I go again.

          • Kris K says:

            … and a bene-basher as well!

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              Yep that’s me: Public Enemy Number One: a (high) income-earning, productive, Conservative, married, heterosexual white male.

              (Cries of “Quick, Someone string up that bastard”)

  21. KG says:

    :twisted: Love it!