Inter-generational warfare…the left’s next line of attack:

‘A new term has been added to the litany catchphrases describing enemies of the people. To the words wreckers, profiteers and capitalist roaders has been added “bedroom blockers”,  now used to refer to persons over 60 years of age who are live in homes in Britain with more bedrooms than they need.
The Intergenerational Foundation (IF), an organization “established to promote fairness between generations”, notes that these homes with spare bedrooms are now being selfishly used by older people when they are needed by the young. In a report the IF has proposed a tax increase to squeeze these seniors out of their homes to “free up space” for the younger generation….’
Meet the Enemy: Grandma

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12 Responses to Inter-generational warfare…the left’s next line of attack:

  1. Redbaiter says:

    How much destruction can these morons cause using their warped definitions of “fairness” as the justification?

    • KG says:

      A hell of a lot. They won’t be satisfied until only a hollowed-out shell of what were once Western cultural norms is left.
      Naturally, they don’t stop to wonder where the money will come from when that happens–they assume that people will still work, but for universal “fairness” instead of personal gain.
      Fat chance.
      Basically, the left now are spoiled brats with a huge sense of entitlement and self-esteem –and fuck-all else. Very dangerous children….

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Funny timing. I was reading an interview in the National Review with Peter Thiel yesterday, and he said pretty much exactly the same thing about BHO. They asked him about a comment he once made about BHO to the WSJ:

        “I’m not sure I’d describe him as a socialist. I might even say he has a naive and touching faith in capitalism. He believes you can impose all sorts of burdens on the system and it will still work.”

        Thiel still holds to this belief:

        “Yes. I think there is an incredible faith in capitalism–that you can put any burdens on business, and people will just work. It’s like people are hardwired to make money and there’s nothing you can do to change that, irrespective of politics. In that sense it is an incredible faith in capitalism that I don’t quite share.”

        Comes down to definitions I guess. IMHO he is definitely a SocioFascist (if we want to put labels on him as opposed to just stringing him up), but the key thing is the belief that government can keep loading taxes, regulation and red tape onto business and it will just keep going.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          It’s nice to be able to catch up on some reading, now I’m temporarily freed from the burden of working. :mrgreen:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    This ageist (I love it when I can use an ism against the leftards) bullshit is a variation on a theme I first saw posited by the Marxist Monbiot in a typical “eat the rich” rant back in January. The first comment on the guardian article nails it: property is theft. Arseholes.

  3. kowtow says:

    Socialism…….the conflict ideology.
    Class struggle didn’t cut it so now they’ve invented “intergenerational” struggle.
    Another attack on family and western values dressed up as fairness.

    Mind you those big houses would be perfect for accommodating all those large “diverse” and “multicultural” families that the British authorities seem so enamoured by and whom they seem to want so many of.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    The whining “entitlement” generation strikes again.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      hmmm. What was that comment the other day about racial violence??

      “Shea said the four assailants continued to beat him for minutes while he was on the ground. He said they were black, appeared to be between 16 and 20”

      Where’s Harry Brown when he’s needed! :evil:

  5. Kris K says:

    The following comment from the lead article resonated with me:


    If we accept the premise that “granny” is squandering precious housing resources, it begs the question of what other resources “granny’ is using up, to the detriment of society. Food? Oxygen? Hospital beds?

    Once they control how you may live your life, what stops them from deciding if you can live at all?

    Indeed. It isn’t hard to see how the elderly [anyone retired with assets] will be viewed not only as the enemy, but as those who use up all manner of resources “unfairly”. Is it really that hard to imagine that once someone gets to retirement age they will be compulsorily euthanised?! Or at least shamed by their children or grand-children to voluntarily do the same?! – for the “greater good” of course.

    Euthanising the elderly will be viewed much like abortion is now – the removal of an unwanted and inconvenient ‘burden’. And the justification will, no doubt, be much the same.

    Coming soon to an old folks home near you …

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed, Kris! That was the comment which stood out for me, too. And “Raven” is spot-on.

  6. mara says:

    First it will be made attractive for oldies to buy down, then it will become compulsory.
    Of course these things happen because of passivity, apathy and ignorance of history among the increasingly vacuous sheeples. Just another nail in the coffin of a country that was once great.