making good little unthinking collectivists…..

‘SCHOOL encourages students to wear fluorescent vests to and from school in a bid to increase visibility and lower the road toll….’
How about teaching them to think for themselves instead? Whatever happened to “look left, look right, look left again”? Treat people as idiots and all you’ll produce is idiots. That picture is depressing on so many levels.

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8 Responses to making good little unthinking collectivists…..

  1. WAKE UP says:

    Thanks to immigration, we already have an entire class of ADULTS who step onto the street without looking.

  2. kowtow says:

    I think the whole individual me me me thing is to blame. The old values of personal responsibility, do unto others ,civic responsibility,personal pride etc have gone out the window in a blaze of secular consumerism. Drivers believe the shit they see on TV ads and silly car shows,many think they don’t have to drive to the conditions.
    Of course the state then steps in (always anxious to )in these days to regulate us to death and penury.
    The story of the dumb littering Welsh smoker is a case in point.
    Littering outside her door! How ignorant and un civil is that?But then it gives the all powerful and newly oppressive state the excuse it wants ,craves, to regulate, fine and preach. And no doubt these petty bureaucratic local authority tyrants can convince themselves that they are doing us and the now worshipped environment a favour.

    Once upon a time she ‘d have been given a warning and that would have been the end of it. If it had gone to court the judge would have blasted the litter officer for wasting court time and oppressing the smoker for fining her even though the point was made when she picked the butt up.

    So this actually was an eco crime. An eco nomic crime perpetrated by the state against that woman.

    The funny thing is the house is probably owned by the council,the fags bought with a
    benefit ,any fine or jail time will be a cost to the taxpayer as are the litter officers wages. The whole thing is a disaster.

  3. jonno1 says:

    Actually, in NZ or Oz it might be safer to “look to the right, look to the left, look to the right again”. And if I remember the bear correctly: “If the road is clear of traffic, walk straight across the road, don’t run …

  4. Kris K says:

    I think you’ve misinterpreted the photo, KG.
    Clearly the high-viz jackets are so that you can better identify your target on rainy and dull days. The “40” indicates the points scored for each successful hit.

    “Run, Johnny, run.” :twisted:

  5. KG says:

    :lol: :lol: silly me!

  6. KG says:

    Oh, Canada! It’s an effing disease, Darin.