Jeremy Clarkson: Enemy of the State

‘How the BBC ganged up with the militant Left to attack Jeremy Clarkson’ James Delingpole

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3 Responses to Jeremy Clarkson: Enemy of the State

  1. Once again, Dellers shows up the hypocrisy of the BBC, as does Telegraph Blogs, who recalls the jokes leftist ‘comedians’ make at the expense of the disabled.
    The BBC is so atrocrious it even has its website reporting its bias.
    The BBC’s links to warmist groups is most disturbing.

  2. mawm says:

    The mealy-mouthed Tory government should take the BBC executive out and shoot them……..but then Tories are no longer anywhere near the centre line of politics any more and their views are probably those of the BBC’s. :roll:

  3. Robertvdl says:

    But this is OK isn’t it ?

    10 : 10