Ancient rights are being deliberately dismantled

NZ: ‘Call to ditch jury trials in rape cases
Those pesky juries….because an unelected elite comprising academics and their political and judicial fellow-travellers know better, you see. The unwashed peasants aren’t qualified to make judgements based on commonsense and everyday observations. A female complainant, female prosecutor and female judge will decide the question of guilt or innocence.
Ignore the mealy-mouthed justifications for this, dreamed up by the female academics concerned–this is a feminazi push to have total control over the trial and conviction and punishment of men. An oestrogen-fuelled Star Chamber…..

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21 Responses to Ancient rights are being deliberately dismantled

  1. Andrei says:

    The Feminists long held dream for star chamber to condemn masculinity, heterosexual males and control them.

    You don’t like a man – denounce him as a rapist, facts wont matter to the gulag he will go.

    • KG says:

      Yep, exactly. And they’re awfully close to achieving that. I used to try explaining the dangers of this kind of thing to my Kiwi workmates, and the truly depressing aspect of that was just how abysmally ignorant they were about concepts of law and justice which I though were pretty much universally understood.
      The marxist “teachers” have done their work very well.

  2. Pingback: Ancient rights are being deliberately dismantled | Cranky Old Crow

  3. mawm says:

    In a nine-year study of 109 rapes reported to the police in a Midwestern city, Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin reported that in 41% of the cases the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred. In a follow-up study of rape claims filed over a three-year period at two large Midwestern universities, Kanin found that of 64 rape cases, 50% turned out to be false. Among the false charges, 53% of the women admitted they filed the false claim as an alibi.
    Kanin, EJ, “An alarming national trend: False rape allegations,” Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994

    In a study by the U.S. Air Force, about 25% of rape accusers recanted just before taking a lie detector test or after failing one. Further research found 60% of the accusations were false. The most common reasons given for making false accusations were spite or revenge, feelings of guilt or shame, or to cover up an affair.
    McDowell, Charles P., Ph.D. “False Allegations.” Forensic Science Digest, (publication of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations), Vol. 11, No. 4 (December 1985), p. 64.

    “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” — Robin Morgan – former president of the National Ourganization for Women (NOW) and editor of MS magazine.

    An interesting link –

  4. KG says:

    Great link! Thanks, Mawm.
    And false rape allegations figures aren’t something the academics pushing for this “reform” will be too keen to see publicised….

  5. Kris K says:

    I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again – any woman who is found guilty of falsely accusing a man of rape should suffer the same judgement and prison term as would the man had he been found guilty. Seems only fair.

    I’m sure those promoting this “no jury for sexual offending” would be right behind my proposal [sarc].

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    This is all part of the plan. Men, and WEMs in particular, are the enemy. They have invented everything worth talking about, created the freeest, wealthiest society in history and lifted literally billions out of poverty. Yet, we are all rapists, murderers and oppressors.

    Who the heck are these WEMs who have all this energy, and what is it they’re taking that gives it to them?

    As a WEM, and therefore a member of the Class of Public Enemy #1, I can confess that by the time I get done working to pay my mortgage and feed & clothe my family, I have neither the time nor the energy to oppress coloured-people, vagina-people, handi-capable-people, beneficiary-bludger-people, or any other class of people, nor to destroy the environment or manipulate the global economy to keep non-WEMs oppressed.

    Is it some special sub-class of WEMs doing this? If so, how do I join? Is there a secret handshake?

    • KG says:

      No no, Gantt! One doesn’t have to do it consciously—it’s hardwired into our genes and we do it simply by existing. The space we take up and the air we breathe actually belongs to the more deserving victims of oppression.
      Of course, the question of who would pay for their victimhood if we disappeared is never addressed…..

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh now I get it. Damn me for being born. Ahh yes, there it is … a shot of Liberal White Guilt straight into the venous system. That’s better.

        Right, off to do some more destruction of the environment … by breathing.

    • Kris K says:

      Come on, Gantt, you need to up your game!
      I’ve usually kicked the cat, shot a protected native bird, sexually abused the one legged lesbian sheila next door, and over-run some small third world oppressed nation … and this all before breakfast. I’ve a mind to dob you in at the next annual general meeting.

  7. mawm says:

    Men, and WEMs in particular, are the enemy

    Too true……………but would you ever want to be anything else? :mrgreen:

  8. KG says:

    Nossir. It suits me just fine and my beloved doesn’t seem to mind too much being hitched to an evil white oppressor. :smile:

    • Kris K says:

      … obviously a masochist.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Evil white oppressors appreciate and know how to look after a good woman- a LADY!

      • mawm says:

        Os, our LADIES enjoy a man who has good, old fashioned manners………well, mine does. :cool:

        • KG says:

          Mine too. She places a very high value on courtesy.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Funny you should say that, mawm. Both Mrs Gantt and Miss Five simply accept the door being held open for them, or their chair being pulled out. Some of the looks I get when I hold a door open at work (for example) it’s like the recipient of such manners thinks I’m from some alien planet!

  9. Cadwallader says:

    (That was a short summer break for me….) I recall a theory of women from Hugh Hefner, who’s known a few, he claimed that men are guilty of vagina envy as we all come out of one, then spend our lives trying to get back in! (Presumably not the same vagina.)
    The call to abolish jury trials in rape cases won’t happen, despite the majority of law graduates being women, the profession is fortunately dominated by men at the top of it. Check out the NZLS Council for 2009 et seq. It seems women get the Law degree, do a couple of years of legally aided shit in the Family Court, then have babies never to return.

  10. mawm says:

    Heh! Caddy….I wouldn’t put it so crudely …. but like the Hef, I adore women ……both their minds and their bodies. :mrgreen: