I must be a Genius!

“Swearing is a sign of more intelligence,not less,say scientists”


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Here’s How Peterson Did It

You know how well everyone here appreciated seeing Peterson respond to Newman.

Well here is a wonderful analysis of how it was done, and how you might be able to do it yourself under pressure.

God, where could I have found anything close to this 50 years ago?

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The Latest Woodpile Report is Up and it’s quality stuff-


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Is Christianity Dead in America?

Not by a long shot-

The Federalist-

“The findings of these scholars are not outliers. There has been a growing gulf between the faithful and the dabblers for quite some time, with the first group growing more numerous. Think about the church you attend, relative to its belief system. It is extremely likely that if your church teaches the Bible with seriousness, calls its people to real discipleship, and encourages daily intimacy with God, it has multiple services to handle the coming crowds.

Most decent-size American cities have a treasure trove of such churches for believers to choose from. This shows no sign of changing. If, however, your church is theologically liberal or merely lukewarm, it’s likely laying off staff and wondering how to pay this month’s light bill. People are navigating toward substantive Christianity.”

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Calling Mother Nature…

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Open House-

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Seriously, this  drivel is making huge headlines in NZ.
‘….What’s happening is that Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, is on her way to becoming the second world leader in recent history – behind Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto – to give birth while in office. She is pregnant, and this is an amazing day for men and women everywhere.’

Not for this man it ain’t.  More like ‘yaaaawn..socialist spawns. So what?’

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“What I learned in the Peace Corps”

Author points out,all nations aren’t the same,contrary to what the left preaches-

American Thinker-

“Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country.  Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racism.”

Continue reading

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Apple to repatriate Billions-


Apple Inc. said it will bring hundreds of billions of overseas dollars back to the U.S., pay about $38 billion in taxes on the money and spend tens of billions on domestic jobs, manufacturing and data centers in the coming years. Continue reading

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Laugh Your Butts Off At Equanimity Under Pressure

I found this such a treat I had to share it here.

Time and again the interviewer tries to put words in his mouth and set other traps. And each time he laughs and sets the record straight. He simply won’t be trapped. Not that day.

This was done so well, it is hard to imagine it how it could be staged. Still, could be.

And they didn’t even give him good makeup. He looks a bit like death warmed over. Yeah, the grim reaper to this scalp-hunting but silly woman.

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