Open House

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Not for fathers. Wabbit has bitter personal experience of this:

”The family of a young girl at the centre of an international custody battle will not be deported from New Zealand, despite her mother getting visas by falsely telling immigration officials she had custody of her daughter.
For two years, the girl’s father – who hails from Europe and had sole custody in their homeland – had no idea where his daughter was living until a social media campaign to find her went viral online.
Someone recognised the child in New Zealand where the mother had started a new life, so the father asked the Family Court to return the girl to his home country under the international child abduction agreement, the Hague Convention.
The Weekend Herald revealed in October the Family Court – despite accepting the mother unlawfully took the girl and concealed her – refused as she was now settled in New Zealand….’

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It’s not the bottom,but I can see it from here

Another Slippery slope argument comes true-

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Powerful Stupid

People who wonder why I have lost all repsect for school teachers need to read this-


More here-

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It wasn’t supposed to be this way!

How could this happen?It wasn’t supposed to be this way,things were supposed to get worse.He was supposed to be universally hated by now.The Economy was supposed to crash.Why hasn’t he been impeached or at least brought up on charges?

And how is it the economy has turned around so quick when we thought we had it rigged to fail?We had all the “evidence” lined up just incase,where,how did we fail?

All of the above are questions being asked by Democrats among themselves this morning.They were hoping for a defeated,muted Trump,what they got was a classic Trump Steamroller right over their heads.

Some are saying the Democrats looked “stunned” or “angry”as they sat through one standing ovation after another,but that wasn’t the look of stunned or angry people.No that was the look of someone having just stepped on their graves.

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Annoying Celebrity Hypocrites

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This week in Crazy

New California law seeks to fine and possibly imprison resturant waiters who offer straws to customers-

The state of California is considering a bill that would punish waiters at sit-down restaurants with up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000, for offering customers straws — because straws are bad for the environment.

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Open House

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Happy Australia Day!

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God help New Zealand

With this unelected coalition of the braindead in charge.
‘The party is in Government for the first time and holds the climate change, conservation, women’s, and associate transport and health portfolios.’

Almost nobody voted for these loonies!

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