1931 Cadillac Fleetwood Phaeton

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NZ. Wimmin in charge.

Regarding the insane proposal to create a register of sexual misconduct allegations:
‘If you read this article, you’re an idiot. Now imagine if that statement was true. Imagine if the mere fact I said something about you made it so.
Or, even if it wasn’t true, people thought and acted as though it was.
That’s what the Women’s Minister, Julie Anne Genter, is proposing to do for allegations of workplace sexual misconduct. …’

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South Africa -Failed State 2.0

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Checkout Ice Age Now…..

…before going outside and chopping more firewood-


Hmmmm….record snowfall,record cold temps,all over the Northern Hemisphere.I see a trend forming here.

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Open House

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High Crimes-

FBI informant on Uranium One breaks silence-

FBI informant on Uranium One Breaks Silence

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Into The Mystic

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And Trump is supposedly a Racist??


For those of you not familiar,the man to Obama’s left is one Louis Farrakhan,outspoken racist,anti-semite Nation of Islam leader,a black version of David Duke if you will,only more vile.

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One article,many facets

Spotted this one on Breitbart-

“Moderate Muslims”-

This article gives us several different lessons and re-affirms conventional wisdom about the state of our world.

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A brilliant, must-read essay.

From The American Interest, by Claire Berlinski:

‘The #MeToo moment has now morphed into a moral panic that poses as much danger to women as it does to men.’
‘..If I were suddenly to feel as Ms. Portman now feels, I could destroy them all—just by naming names and truthfully describing a flirtation or moment of impropriety. All of the interchanges I’m replaying in my mind would meet the highly elastic contemporary definition of “harassment,” a category vague enough to compass all the typical flirtation that brings joy and amusement to so many of our lives, all the vulgar humor that says, “We’re among friends, we may speak frankly.” It becomes harassment only by virtue of three words: “I felt demeaned.”…’

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