President Trump,It is Well Past Time to Replace Jeff Sessions

Session’s time is up in my opinion,months have passed with little to no action in dealing with the swamp that is the FBI.

From the fake Russian collusion story,to Filegate,Servergate,Urainium One on and on and now this-

American Thinker-

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Open House

It’s Friday,I am dead tired,the lights are still on,the beer is cold,have some fun!

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More Gun Control = More Mass Shootings

Author makes a good case and why this latest push will fall flat-



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Blunting The Tip of the Spear

Marines quietly lower combat training standards to help female officers-

Read it here-

“With no notice and little formal explanation, the Marine Corps altered one of its notoriously grueling rites of passage late last year, changing the combat endurance test on the first day of its Infantry Officer Course from a pass/fail requirement to an unscored exercise.” Continue reading

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Some truths about mass shootings

U.S. Isn’t The Worst Country For Mass Shootings
‘Gun Deaths: It’s become commonplace to hear after a U.S. shooting tragedy that, when it comes to guns, America is just more violent than other countries, especially those in Europe, where many countries have stiff gun-control laws. It’s a progressive shibboleth, but even some conservatives agree. The only problem is, it’s not true.
….So who’s tops? Surprisingly, Norway is, with an outlier mass shooting death rate of 1.888 per million (high no doubt because of the rifle assault by political extremist Anders Brevik that claimed 77 lives in 2011). No. 2 is Serbia, at just 0.381, followed by France at 0.347, Macedonia at 0.337, and Albania at 0.206. Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, and Czech Republic all follow. Then comes the U.S., at No. 11, with a death rate of 0.089.
That’s not all. There were also 27% more casualties from 2009 to 2015 per mass shooting incident in the European Union than in the U.S.
….Yet, some today propose banning rifles, in particular AR-15s, because they’ve been used in a number of mass killings. It’s important to note however that, according to FBI crime data cited this week by the Daily Caller, deaths by knives in the U.S. outnumber deaths by rifles by five to 1: In 2016, 1,604 people were killed by knives and other cutting instruments, while 374 were killed by rifles.’

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A Message to Google Feminists-

Pat Condell and others are being actively censored by Google.Here is the latest video to be banned from Youtube by Google.


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Beware of False Prophets,

Who come to you in Sheep’s clothing,but inside are ravenous Wolves-Matthew 7:15

Catholic Charities = Open borders advocates-

After multiple amnesty plans failed to pass through Congress this week, leaders of the Catholic Church are decrying the lack of amnesty for illegal aliens enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

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Open House

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China’s covert infiltration into New Zealand’s government

‘In September of last year, professor Anne-Marie Brady of New Zealand’s University of Canterbury published a detailed report on China’s intelligence activity to guide, buy, and coerce political influence on a global basis, with emphasis on New Zealand. Brady’s work was extremely effective because she is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and she based her research on Chinese-language media both inside and outside of China.’

By 2030 the Pacific will be a Chinese lake.

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