Jailed for Wrong Think-Brittany Pettibone

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Open House

Headlines up on Drudge-


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The myth and the lie of “oppressed women”

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Blowing things out of proportion………..

It’s what the left does.

ADL’s report of a “Surge of Anti-Semitism” last year should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Federalist-

From the article-

“The available data are certainly far from comforting, but not so easy to interpret as the ADL and others would suggest. For instance, even though the number of incidents the ADL found did rise sharply, the total number of incidents could still be considered small — 1,986 in 2017” Continue reading

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100,000 Tons of Diplomacy

USS Carl Vinson visits Vietnam-


From the article-

“The B-52 Victory Museum is strewn with broken pieces of fuselages and tails from downed U.S. aircraft. What’s missing are the visitors. Eighty-two-year-old Pham Hong Thuy — sitting alone watching after his grandson — explains why.

“The war ended decades ago,” says Pham, who fought the Americans at the 1968 Battle of Khe Sanh. “People around the ages of 20, 30 or under 40, they do not know much about the war, they don’t care about the war,” he says.

“The U.S. and the Vietnam are good friends now,” he adds. “And the war is in the past.”

The arrival of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, at Vietnam’s port city of Danang is a reminder of that growing friendship. It’s the first visit by a U.S. aircraft carrier since the end of the war in 1975, and it comes amid rising tensions in the region over China’s aggressive territorial expansion in the South China Sea.

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Blatant lies or lethal stupidity?

You decide:
‘NZ ‘must do our bit’ for Pacific
After seeing effects of climate change in the Pacific first hand, ministers reconfirm intent to get emissions down in NZ. ‘

It’s difficult to believe this isn’t knowingly dishonest U.N. sponsored propaganda.

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Open House

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South Africa Circling the Drain

Another country about to fall to Marxism-

Daily Mail-

Mr Malema has a long-standing commitment to land confiscation without compensation. In 2016 he told his supporters he was ‘not calling for the slaughter of white people – at least for now’.

I for one hope he catches Lead poisoning.


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The latest Woodpile Report

“Something unspeakably dark is slipping the leash.”

from the Report:

‘Gun rights, Alt Market – Though the media often attempts to twist the gun rights debate into a web of complexity, gun rights is in fact a rather simple issue — either you believe that people have an inherent right to self defense, or you don’t. All other arguments are a peripheral distraction. The inborn right to self defense and the ability of the people to maintain individual liberties in the face of tyranny supersedes all other arguments on gun rights. Gun control advocates are not in the business of saving lives; they are in the business of exploiting death. They want something entirely different from what they claim they want. They are not interested in life, they are interested in control.’

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OMG!Run for your lives,it’s,it’s SNOW!

What is it about Blizzards that makes people runout and buy up all the Bread and Milk? 

UK weather latest – Brits set for transport chaos as 200 trains and dozens of flights cancelled and experts warn of ‘treacherous’ roads as -12C deadly storm hits

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