The latest Woodpile Report

“Something unspeakably dark is slipping the leash.”

from the Report:

‘Gun rights, Alt Market – Though the media often attempts to twist the gun rights debate into a web of complexity, gun rights is in fact a rather simple issue — either you believe that people have an inherent right to self defense, or you don’t. All other arguments are a peripheral distraction. The inborn right to self defense and the ability of the people to maintain individual liberties in the face of tyranny supersedes all other arguments on gun rights. Gun control advocates are not in the business of saving lives; they are in the business of exploiting death. They want something entirely different from what they claim they want. They are not interested in life, they are interested in control.’

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18 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report

  1. Pascal says:

    [Gun control advocates] want something entirely different from what they claim they want. They are not interested in life.

    Just for the record: for me the portion I chose to extract is actually the whole of it. The rest of the quote is merely about obtaining the means to end lives.

    All collectivists of the 20th Century murdered 100 – 200 millions. And that was them only revealing their hand. Their aim now is for billions and billions. And they will succeed should decent human beings not take the power away from them.

    • mawm says:

      Gun control advocates are not in the business of saving lives; they are in the business of exploiting death. I thought this was the salient point. We know they want a disarmed public for nefarious reasons.

      • KG says:

        either you believe that people have an inherent right to self defense, or you don’t
        Says everything I care to consider in this debate.

    • Mike Webber says:

      Actually 269 million people murdered by their own Governments. This is more than killed in wars.

      • Pascal says:

        But how sure are you that it’s not 270 million? I don’t personally know anyone who has a sure way to come up with a number that is good to 3 significant digits. Do you?

        Mike, I would not doubt there are those who have a very good count on the numbers that were killed because they see it as an honor to have been given the privilege to know. Animal husbandry but known by another name.

        All that I need to know are Stalin’s words “one death is a tragedy; a million merely a statistic,” for me to comprehend the total depth and intended breadth — in the billions — of Prog megalomania.

  2. Pascal says:

    Let me put it another way.

    Our elites are telling us: “We view with moral certainty that it is as our job to put an end to the existential threat of humanity to itself. It’s nothing personal. It’s strictly business.”

    Well when “business” turns into being a personal existential threat, you will indeed excuse me when I take it personally.

  3. KG says:

    ‘..’…The problem I see is that if the right to bear arms is considered given to you by the Second Amendment, then that right is a product of the Constitution.  If it is a product of the Constitution, then it is subject to interpretation by the “ultimate authority” over the Constitution, the Supreme Court, through the concept of judicial supremacy established by McCullough v. Maryland.  It does not help, in your author’s view, if we continue to propagate the myth that the Constitution confers upon us the right to bear arms.  It is our inherent, inborn right to protect ourselves and our families, bequeathed to us from our forefathers’ blood and sacrifice in the many battles for liberty.  It may not be legislated or interpreted away.  It is not in the purview of the Supreme Court (or Congress, for that matter) to abolish the right to bear arms. 

    Since 1990, we have had the unconstitutional “Gun Free Schools Act.”  If we help the false notion live on that the right to bear arms is a creature of the Second Amendment, we invite and empower the black-robed keepers of the Constitution to put the creature in a cage.  The fact is that the Second Amendment is a cage for the creatures who want to take away the guns given to you by your fathers, their fathers, and their fathers’ fathers.’
    (bold mine)

    • Fred says:

      “The fact is that the Second Amendment is a cage for the creatures…”


      • Pascal says:

        Well only if people are led to believe, and they accept as true, that their rights originate in the Bill of Rights.

        The reality is that the various states insisted on the Bill of Rights to force on the central government its acknowledgement of rights that preexisted the formation of the government. We PERMIT a government over us just so long as it remains our servant.

        How to rescind such permission is problematic, and the Progressive movement knew this, hence its incremental inroads on its rolling back government restrictions. Thus the boiling frog analogy was their vision.

        We individuals do not have that luxury. Hence my warning that misanthropic elements are, and may always have been, at or near the very center of the Progs. That we should come to blows in order to right the wrongs is purely satanic planning. They win when we spill our own blood. It’s the one very good reason, rational even, to include acknowledgement to God in our nation’s existence. Satan cannot beat Him.

        • Fred says:

          Based on the context including the bold phrases I don’t think the author meant that the 2A is the source or our rights but merely that it’s designed as a cage. Cages require attendance to unsure they remain locked. I don’t disagree with you.

          Or maybe he just desires to see leftists in cages.

  4. Fred says:

    Accessory to murder is a sin therefore I will not comply with gun control. The notion that one group has self bequeathed the right of violence to save me from myself only proves this groups own inadequacy to the task of governance. The insidiousness of the lie is that the godless claim they will take us back to the garden if only we would ___________________. (insert leftist insistence here) Satan is a liar and the author of it. They don’t even believe the garden existed yet they lay claim to the key to take us there? Preposterous! Tigers have claws. I have guns. You will not separate me from the simple, plainly obvious truth that is the natural law of God.

    But put more simply so that even bureaucratic functionaries can understand. My rights are mine. If you come at me, I will end you.

    The Constitution grants me nothing. Beware the man who knows from whom all being flows. Beware the man who knows the LORD.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Like I’ve said before, the bottom line to the Leftist campaign to enact gun control is to disarm the American people prior to their seizure of total power. The Left has a track record in doing the same in other countries before they make their finally push to totalitarianism – In Germany, for example, Hitler made sure the population was disarmed before he assumed total power of Germany in 1934 after the death Hindenburg (The de jure president of Germany and Hitler’s boss)…

    I wish Republican politicians would state this simple fact whenever the Leftist Democrat Party starting howling for “gun control” because the vast majority in this country favors private gun ownership – and support the Second Amendment.

    The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable right – the U.S. Constitution simply affirms a civil right that no government – I repeat – NO GOVERNMENT anywhere on this planet dare deny its citizens…..This is why I feel sorry for my English speaking cousins in the Anglosphere who have allowed your various governments to seize your weapons of defense. This is why I favor the overthrow of what amounts to criminal regimes who deny basic civil rights like freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms.

    ….and never forget this dear cousins – you have every moral and legal right to overthrow such governments. Yes, the government – for example – of New Zealand may be a soft totalitarianism compared to the criminal regime in China – but whether or not the chains are made of iron or gold – they are still chains and you are still a slave.

  6. Pascal says:

    “Media insists on publicizing the names of these shooters is not helpful* because part of what drives them is motivation for notoriety. Because notoriety is better than being ignored.”

    *Au contraire mon professeur. Media not helpful my butt. While the SSM may not directly foment these shootings, they are most definitely abetting their continuance and growth. That is on behalf of their masters in Leviathan who still believe they can wring out of us peasants more of our rights by making each appear to be a crisis due to too many guns rather than guns in the proper hands such as you and me and teachers.

    Media is far more intent on banning our videos, fb posts and tweets that criticize them and their masters than they’d ever be in banning the names of the shooters.

    Why? Because we are showing the blood on the hands of the media and Prog policy makers (but I repeat myself).

    And they know that the mounting evidence could lead to their collective heads winding up dangling in a manner they don’t want us to consider.