South Africa Circling the Drain

Another country about to fall to Marxism-

Daily Mail-

Mr Malema has a long-standing commitment to land confiscation without compensation. In 2016 he told his supporters he was ‘not calling for the slaughter of white people – at least for now’.

I for one hope he catches Lead poisoning.


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32 Responses to South Africa Circling the Drain

  1. Darin says:

    South Africa is killing the farmlands-

    Soon to be another failed African state.

    • Fred says:

      They fired all the white engineers and now they can’t get water to go through the pipes.

      “I turn the majic handle and nuffin come out? White devils did this.”

      Maybe they could hollow out some gourds and haul water that way.

    • mawm says:

      Too be honest South Africa has had serial droughts that last years for as long as I can remember and they were helped by the old government disproportionally – because they represented essential voting wards to stay in power. The green years saw riches for these farmers who spent up big on machinery and cars and did not pay off their debts. It is a harsh land to farm in.

  2. Fred says:

    But they voted it in all legal, nice and tidy. Proving that democracy is tyranny of the majority. In unrelated news the left want to import millions of more leftists to our formerly free countries, but never mind all that.

    • Ronbo says:

      You got it! This is the reason America rejected parliamentary government in 1775 – the tyranny of the majority – which, in fact, is the tyranny of a self selected ruling class (oligarchy) – which in South Africa is full bore Joseph Stalin Communism.

      Of course, the Founding Fathers of our republic never counted on one ideology – like the international socialist type in South Africa getting so powerful in all the branches – executive, legislature and judicial – so as to overthrow the rule of We The People.

      Thus “checks and balances” comes to nothing if like minded criminals acting either directly or on their own can do what they damn well please.

      I guess the bottom line is that power comes out of the barrel of a gun – and I hope the South African whites and liberty loving blacks are as well armed as American patriots.

  3. Anon says:

    Getting rid of the whites won’t help in even the short term. A new dark age dawns and Africa returns to tribalism, huge infant mortality and short life expectancy. Tourism will decline. It will be the nails in the coffin of struggling South African rugby as well. Ahhh, ain’t democracy great when more than 50% of voters are stupid.

    • mawm says:

      Dawn! The sun is well up. Prior to handover of a functional country to the ANC the adult black male could expect to live to 64 – the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Within 10 years of ANC government it had already fallen to 45. Infant mortality rates have sky-rocketed as have maternal deaths in childbirth and education has fallen backwards very rapidly. In fact in almost every measure of development SA has become worse.

      • Ronbo says:

        I think the same thing was true of Russia under the rule of the Czars – and then came the Communist takeover….You have to understand that Leftists do not care if half the country starves to death – because they know they will be well fed, clothed, educated – and, most importantly – in power while the masses starve to death.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Whether it’s South Africa, Zimbawbe, Great Britain or the US, if you want to know which race is truely racist, just look at the politicians elected from districts predominated by that race.

    • Fred says:

      I only vote for my own race because the other people are racists. The logic is impeccable.

    • Ronbo says:

      Actually, the blacks in Africa and elsewhere were turned into racists by the Stalinist Leftist – which was and is dominated by whites…So you see the European white race is responsible for being the author of its own destruction in Africa …Marx, Lenin, and Stalin were whites….and I daresay even in South Africa the white Communists are well protected and have authority – albeit indirectly by way of their black comrades.

      • Darin says:

        The international media has always been fellow travelers with the marxist/communists of the world.The media control the narrative and provide cover for their far left allies.To win this fight the LSM will have to be utterly destroyed.

      • mawm says:

        The mainly white South African Communist Party has always been the brains behind the ANC. Even today the ANC government is the a troika made up of the ANC, the SACP and the powerful trade unions, COSATU which are where the new President Ramaphosa started his political career.

  5. KG says:

    “So you see the European white race is responsible for being the author of its own destruction in Africa”
    Nonsense. Sentences such as that may slip easily from the keyboard, but it’s patent rubbish.
    What the hell does the ordinary white farmer, bus driver, fisherman or mechanic have to do with the destruction of the white race in Africa? And how many whites in Africa who held political power are/were followers of Marx, Lenin and Stalin?
    Fuck all is the answer to that. Blacks turned to communism as a path to power, not as an expression of racism. Which is why many leaders were graduates of Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba University. And black demagogues have produced more black racists since – as have bleeding heart white leftists.
    Inaccurate, emotive generalisations contibute nothing to the debate. :evil: I could go on but I’m too pissed off by that comment to bother.

    • Darin says:

      I don’t think it’s a an accurate comment either.Most of us are just Frogs being boiled regardless of race.Those with a low IQ will fall for whatever pablum the political and social leaders spew to gain control.Once they have control they then behave like the corporate raiders of old,buy a company,fire half the workers,sell of the company’s assets and then let the hollowed out hulk go bankrupt as they fly away to whatever island nation they stashed all their money in.

      This current clown in SA will follow the same template as Mugabee,overthrow the legitimate government by hook or crook.Raid the treasury,sell off the natural resources,plunge the whole population into abject poverty,but live comfortably on the intrest borne from the stolen money in his overseas secret accounts.Unless of course someone nuts up and makes his head into a canoe.

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    Great idea! it worked so well in Zimbabwe that they’re now begging the white farmers to return.
    Cue the inevitable Marxist response:
    “They didn’t do it properly!”

    • Fred says:

      They almost did properly and with the right manager in place, this time it will be glorious. (Or so they promise.)

  7. mara says:

    Now that the saintly Mandela is dead and dusted nobody in the West gives a flying fuck about the future of SA. Just quietly, it has always been assumed that blacks are thick and whites are cleverer and, bingo, this becomes evident. So very little coverage in the MSM. What a huge surprise. NZ Govt will not discuss this for fear that white South Africans might seek refuge in NZ. Labour and Greens prefer Muslim immigration.

  8. Fred says:

    Kenya in the 60’s.

    “[T]ake the famous White Highlands of Kenya that liberal publicists are fond of citing as an example of colonial and racist exploitation. The Highlands are the part of Kenya that, by its temperature, rainfall and soil, makes successful farming possible. They comprise in all about 45,000 square miles. Of these, 37,000 square miles are, as they have been in the past, farmed by African Negroes. The Europeans have been farming about 4,500 square miles, one-tenth of the lot: virtually all developed from scratch in the course of the past sixty years. From these 4,500 square miles the Europeans have been raising sufficient commercial crops to make up 80 percent in value of Kenya’s export total of all goods and products—the factor on which Kenya’s long-run economic development inevitably depends.” – James Burnham

    Quoted here. Read the rest:

    • Darin says:

      Many Africans are still just a stones throw away from the caves.200 years ago they were hunter gatherers and they still have that mindset,the one that tells them to live only for today because tomorrow doesn’t exist.
      I remember reading articles about the black “farmers” in Zimbabwe.They would be granted farms stolen from white farmers.They would sell off the livestock and machinery for instant money,then let the land go fallow.

      • Robertv says:

        Hunter gatherers can’t live in one place for a very long time because eventually they will run out of resources. Therefore it can’t support a big population living in big cities.

  9. Robertv says:

    Marxism/Progressives needs chaos and misery. That’s why voting Marxism/Progressives is chaos and misery forever. Only a free economic capital system can improve the living standard of the poor.
    Since the enactment of the (not) federal reserve system ( = Marxism because the markets are no longer in control) with its form of direct taxation, the middle class has been eliminated.
    Slavery has never been abolished it just changed the way it operates.