Open House

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127 Responses to Open House

  1. Pascal says:

    Remember the old quip “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away?” Well we can officially forget that.

    Instead we have Deputies were told to set up ‘perimeter’ around Parkland shooting.

    I guess it’s their job now to be the first to hand out parting gifts. /s

    Since the Miami Herald is member in good standing with the SSM, I’m gonna presume the purpose of this exposé is to thumb their noses at us no matter what lying apologetic they pad the story with.

    • Fred says:

      I don’t see what the big deal is here. They needed to assess the situation right? I mean, somebody could get hurt. It’s best to have an abundance of caution in these cases. What’s important is that everybody went home safe and sound, well, everybody that matters did.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      -hand out parting gifts-
      ‘Congratulations! Here’s your High School Shooting Survivor Certificate.’

    • Call a cop.
      Order a pizza.
      Offer the cop some cold pozza.

  2. Pascal says:

    Does anyone have any idea how many union leaders and their agents are sitting on corporate boards of directors (BoDs)?

    The reason to suspect it are annual proxy votes. Union pensions — and governmental unions are the biggest — are invested in stocks and so the union leaders have a big sway with their votes over who gets voted on and off BoDs.

    I would think knowing the number and the percentage of union allied directors would go a long way to expose HOW COME both the Left and Right seem to work against the common man.

    It would also explain why the government doesn’t allow union members to hold back union dues used for political purposes despite court cases affirming such a right. Cushy situation, right? Too bad there are no really good independent journalists to find this out.

    Of course that fits with what Ronald Reagan told us — “there really is no Left and Right, only Up and Down.” The Establishment wants up for them and down for us.

    • I’m awaiting the SCOTUS ruling breaking the control of the unions over the political coffers enriched by there enslaved members.
      The mob once controlled the pension funds.
      The libs control the union political contributions.

      • Darin says:

        Here’s hoping,chopping the union’s power down to size is key to dismantling the democrat machine.

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    For the sake of successful integration, a nation should not encourage colonization within its borders by immigrant groups.

    Do we have “colonies” in New Zealand where a visitor might think himself in a different country?

    Are such “colonies” likely to mature and disperse over a couple of generations?

  4. KG says:

    8 Million Mothers from 150 Countries Sign Declaration: ‘The Era of Radical Feminism Is Over’ ladies!

  5. mawm says:

    At the other end of the spectrum to the above post by KG.

    “Most bestiality is legal, declares Canada’s Supreme Court”

    How low they have gone under Just in.

    • Andy5759etc says:

      That reminds me of a speech given by the President of a charitable group known as the Saints and Sinners. To identify saints and sinners the President asked the question, “Would you have sex with a fifteen year old?”. The saint would reply, “Never!”, the sinner would ask, “A fifteen year old what?”.

  6. Grog says:

    WRSA has a link for an excellent observation on future events.

  7. Fred says:

    It’s a Psyop, and you’re the target!

    Via WRSA.

    • KG says:

      From the link:
      ‘Don’t think of activism as bullshit the other guys do. Think of it as a non-violent army. That’s what it is. And it’s hard work. Respect it.’
      Yes indeed. And it’s quite likely to win in the long haul.

    • Pascal says:

      That’s a very important analysis to dwell over.

      Consider how much double-agency that is needed to pull it off. Nobody ever wants to think that deeply about such things for being paranoid of being called paranoid. “It’s all too complicated, you’re only imagining it. Shut up! Go away before I hurt you!”

      • Fred says:

        Now you’ll see it when it’s there. It’s even in TV product advertisements. Propaganda is most effective when it’s not recognized as such. Mind you, I did not say ‘only’ effective.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Just when you thought global warming made it safer to travel on foot in the arctic.

    Colour me less than surprised.

  9. KG says:

    ‘Jelly wrestling and naked drinking games’ claimed at University of Otago law school camp’

    and the problem with that is……?????????
    Hikers get mooed at!
    ‘Poll: U.S. Catholics More Worried About ‘Climate Change’ than Christian Persecution
    When asked to rank the intensity of their concern regarding global issues, U.S. Catholics placed Christian persecution dead last on the list, with human trafficking garnering 86 percent, poverty 86 percent, climate change 74 percent, refugee crisis 74 percent, and Christian persecution just 69 percent.’

  10. Darin says:

    And I say again,where were these teachers when I was in school?

    Article says “she was popular with the students” I’ll bet :lol:

  11. Darin says:

    Aluminum intake adapter fabrication-

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      ‘Many people who viewed the image refused to believe it could be real.’

      Wonder what those people are saying today about the rape of an aboriginal girl just two years old.

      Proabably ‘They learnt it from white invaders.’ Or maybe ‘Who are we to judge their traditional practices?’

      • KG says:

        I’ve heard both, Gregory.

        • Darin says:

          We have people who sit around and drink all day where I live,they just happen to be white and put their cans in a trash bag so they can sell them and put the can money back into the beer fund.What’s the big deal,people are gonna do what people are gonna do
          Take the beer away and they will just replace it with something harder.

    • Oswald bastable says:

      I find that image most disturbing. How on earth do you keep the tinnies cold, for the love of humanity???!!!!

      Vomit Box needs to be drunk ice-cold.

  12. Darin says:

    Modern Architecture is painful,in more ways than one-
    From the comments-
    “Birds fly into windows and glass building all the time. Doesn’t say much about the mentality of Apple employees.”

    “The lot of them fail to come up to the intelligence level of my Labrador Retriever”


    • Michael in Nelson says:

      “We support cycle lanes until it hits us in the pocket” Welcome to reality vegan.

  13. tranquil says:

    Hi all –

    Some good news! Looks like Italy has taken a big swing to the right in the election today –,_2018#Overall_results

    The centre-right have about 37% so far and the “Five Star movement” has about 32%. It would *seem* to be possible for the two groups to work together to form a government.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      The Greens and ALP took a beating in Tasmania’s state elections. One by one the lights are coming on across the civilised world.

  14. Ronbo says:


    Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel went all in on the #MeToo movement in his opening monologue, saying that if Hollywood can stop harassing women, they “will only have to deal with harassment all the time in every other place they go.”

    Kimmel also pointed to a massive Oscar statuette on the stage and said he was Hollywood’s perfect man.

    “Keeps his hands where you can see them, never says a rude word, and, most importantly, no penis at all. He is literally a statue of limitations,” the host joked.

    …AND THE WINNER IS: “THE SHAPE OF WATER” (which is a remake of the 1950s mega flop “B” movie – “The Creature From The Black Lagoon”)

  15. Gregoryno6 says:

    “Progressivism is inherently never satisfied with the status quo. It is always demanding change and pointing to even the most trivial things in the life that are either unfair or offensive or both.”

  16. Fred says:

    It’s A Psyop, and you’re the target 2…More details about the currently ongoing anti gun activities.

  17. KG says:

    Harold Bloom interviewed on “The Western Canon” (1994)
    Interviewed by a blockhead who has not the faintest idea of either his craft or the subject.
    Rude as well, but we kind of expect that, along with his clownish references to “inclusivity” and “diversity”, as though those things have the slightest relevance to great Western literature. He appears to think what are no more than political pamphlets by wimmin are (or should be) the equals of Emerson, Tolstoy and Shakespeare.
    Lord help us – he personifies in some ways exactly what Bloom was railing against.

  18. Michael in Nelson says:

    “If there were no guns violent crime would go away” Yeah Right!

    First they came for the guns…

  19. KG says:

    Female entrepreneur creates man-free island retreat

    BAWAAAHAHAHA! Wabbit wonders who is going to fix the plumbing, the power system and the myriad other things these “equal” wimmin are mystified by?
    “Equality” never seems to include the dirty, difficult and technical jobs.

    • Darin says:

      “According to CNN, Roth is picky about who gets to stay on her island and applicants must undergo a rigorous vetting process through her organization’s website. Just being female isn’t going to cut it. You need to have an “amazing” personality that’s “upbeat and cool” she says, “because you’re on [an] island and that’s what’s going to make it fun and exciting for everyone.” The goal here is for her guests to be able to escape society’s pressures and “embrace an all-female energy.”

      Well,what if I am an “amazing transgender female with an upbeat and cool personality”? I got a Beard,nail polish and a dress,and according to you batshit crazy lefty females that’s close enough,so where’s my plane ticket?

  20. Darin says:

    Primitive Technology-Making Quick Lime from Shells-

  21. Ronbo says:

    The USMC combat women training expands:

    Personally, I think it’s a mistake to form mixed male/female units – My plan would be form 52 All American Women’s USMC Battalions of Death who would strike fear into the hearts of even the most hardcore male warriors anywhere on the planet.

    Why form 52 women’s death battalions? Simple. When females are put together without men their cycles all coordinate with dominant alpha female – who would be deemed “The Commander.”


    So for a every week of year you would have 1,500 well armed man hating Amazons under lock & key in their barracks just looking for an excuse to kill men – and what better excuse than a USMC landing on a hostile beach defended by male warriors of some foreign power?

    This would be a win-win for the good old USA! Yes, mom, apple pie, truth, justice and The American Way….and best of all – turn an insult into complement, “Your mama wore combat boots!”

  22. mawm says:

    Is this the beginning of the exposure of the Obama Administration’s criminality?

    “Today Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Representative Trey Gowdy pen a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting the appointment of a special counsel to investigate “conflicts of interest” and decisions “made and not made” by current and former Justice Department officials in 2016 and 2017, noting that “the public interest requires” the action.”

    • Ronbo says:

      We who have been following this story know the reason why no Special Prosecutor has been appointed to date – The Republican Party elite are afraid that if they start to punish Obama Administration staffers and the FBI – The poop will really hit the fan – and it may be open and bloody civil war.

      So the GOP elite is willing to purchase peace at the price of a stand down on the punishment of the guilty of the last administration that includes Obama and Hillary Clinton – whereas, the rank & file of the Republican party yell, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

      The thinking is that nothing happens until Sessions and Rosenstein are fired…

  23. mawm says:

    Congressman Nick Freitas on gun control…. but is more about the dishonesty of the dems.

  24. Michael in Nelson says:

    Better stock up on popcorn, the entertainment is about to get real interesting

    And the IG report on the FBI investigation is due out soon.

  25. KG says:

    I AGREE! Yessir. :mrgreen:
    ‘Number of Kiwi women in top jobs ‘horrific’

    • Darin says:

      “Davies believed the “dire” result was down to businesses having no real plan on how to bring women into top roles.”

      Here’s a plan,how about we ditch the whole equality quota bullshit and hire only those women who can do the f–king job?

    • mawm says:

      Not in the National Party they ain’t. That mangina who has taken over is filling his front bench with wimmin at the expense of competent experienced men, and ensuring equal numbers (almost) in his shadow cabinet. Labour 2 terms, next election National will be in the 20%’s.

  26. KG says:

    This vicious, stupid little bitch is a perfect example of why I’m beginning to loathe women in general and I thank God for the sane, decent ones I know – they seem to now be the exception:
    ‘On International Women’s Day, let’s talk about men’

    • Darin says:

      And some women wonder why MGTOW is taking off?

      A good vid on a similar tangent from last year-How the Olympics is exposing feminist hypocrisy-

      Imagine the uproar if three male news anchors just up and rubbed sun tan lotion all over a female athlete’s chest on live TV.

    • mawm says:

      Sorry but I could not get past the 1st paragraph. I won’t waste my time reading this swill. Fortunately I know a few decent high-achieving women who do not need this crap to get ahead…….and they are feminine.

      To the young men of today who do not want to live in this feminist enslavement -“Rent, don’t buy!” and go fishing. You’ll have more time and money.

  27. Darin says:

    Pimp My Ride Dump Edition-

    Canadian Rednecks!
    “Who gives a sweet flying f–k,David Suzuki can suck my D–k!” :lol:

    • Darin says:

      I thought for a second that this could get the birth rate up a bit once they implement prenatal voting,but then these are leftist twits,so they would just abort them after the election.

  28. Gregoryno6 says:

    I checked around the net and this seems legit – and sickening.

    When a gunman started shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, two Miramar SWAT team members did what comes naturally: They went to help.
    Now they’ve been suspended for it.
    The officers did not have permission to respond to the shooting at Parkland on Feb. 14, when 17 people were killed.

  29. mawm says:

    Now that we have finished with the hype of woman’s day, maybe we should be looking at a real problem – men. Men are failing in so many ways and there is no support for those caught up in this epidemic.

    This is an excellent, and must listen to, summary by Tucker Carlson on what is happening to men.

  30. Darin says:

    PJW: Disowned by your family over politics?

    Way I see it,if they are that f–king stupid as to fall for the left’s bullshit,they aren’t worth having around anyway.

  31. mawm says:

    Labour who hated the TPP when National was in government has barely allowed the ink to dry on the sordid deal with Winston before rushing off to Chile to sign the “new and improved” CPTPP. Bastards! I’m sure that in 10 years or so it is going to be harder than Brexit to get out of this despicable betrayal of New Zealanders.

    • Grog says:

      Sounds like a lot of political wankers up here in the states, KG, and I would half expect that when the local people get resourceful and clean up themself, the vultures(politicos)will tell them to stop, because one can’t be self reliant now.

  32. KG says:

    Today’s dose of NZ Herald’s U.N. “partnership” propaganda:
    ‘TPP is a breakthrough for a UN dream’

    And were we, the serfs, consulted about this? Nah, of course not.
    Something very evil is afoot in NZ. Can compulsory “resettlement” by third-world muslim barbarians be far behind?

    • mawm says:

      The Labour Party had no mandate to sign that agreement! Period.

      It is not a trade agreement in any manner whatsoever but a surrender of sovereignty to a One World Government. Next step: faceless, unelected bureaucrats will be making laws we have to comply with. EU Human Rights Court anyone? One can also bet that all the loopholes that have allowed the UK to exit the EU have been closed.

      The other thing to note is that by signing the TPP (it is still that despite some leftist weasel words added by Jacinta and Justin) both Mexico and Canada have all but cancelled the NAFTA agreement. Trump must be smiling.

  33. KG says:

    “It is not a trade agreement in any manner whatsoever but a surrender of sovereignty to a One World Government.”
    Exactly. And almost all Kiwis seem oblivious to both the undemocratic way it was joined by this illegitimate “government” and the horrendous dowstream consequences.
    Democracy is wasted on these people, they’d be more comfortable in a Pacific version of East Germany. Saves them having to think, you see….. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      I wonder how many of the signatory countries had a referendum on joining the TPP? That’s a rhetorical question of course because none did, all they’ve had is that “it is a wonderful trade agreement, and you know that trade will increase and that’ll all be wonderful for our economy” bullshit line. It will not benefit our economy one bit! Oh we might sell Kiwi fruit to Japan instead of Chile doing so…..except they don’t want our Kiwi fruit because they are contaminated. Or apples to Australia…….who don’t want our apples because they are contaminated. Etc, etc. So we’ll just keep on selling halal meat, from inhumanely slaughtered animals, to Saudi Arabia and milk to China – both countries that have horrendous human rights records which we don’t talk about because of our hypocrisy over sanctions on apartheid South Africa (who competed with us on dairy, meat, etc.).

  34. Gregoryno6 says:

    Jordan Peterson has reached The Great South Land. And like Milo, he’s finding an enthusiastic audience.
    The original article by Caroline Overington is paywalled, but Morning Mail carries the text.

  35. Gregoryno6 says:

    Mirabile dictu! Dr P’s lecture was recorded!