Blatant lies or lethal stupidity?

You decide:
‘NZ ‘must do our bit’ for Pacific
After seeing effects of climate change in the Pacific first hand, ministers reconfirm intent to get emissions down in NZ. ‘

It’s difficult to believe this isn’t knowingly dishonest U.N. sponsored propaganda.

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33 Responses to Blatant lies or lethal stupidity?

  1. KG says:

    Venezuela writ small.
    Fucking totalitarian tax-tit parasites scent an opportunity:
    ‘New taxes could change bad behaviours, suggests Sir Michael Cullen
    A wealth tax, a tax on financial transactions, a broader capital gains tax, a land tax and new environmental taxes will all be options considered by the Tax Working Group, its chairman Sir Michael Cullen says.
    ….Cullen appeared warm to the idea of taxes on environmental and social ills, such as greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and the causes of obesity.’
    No mention of the worst behaviour of them all, government’s addiction to taxes, spending and power. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      Overpaying for a derelict train system must rate as the most financially inept deal ever done. How did he ever get onto a tax working group?…. other than he’s the right man if you want to get all the “envy” taxes implemented.

      A wealth tax, a tax on financial transactions, a broader capital gains tax, a land tax ….

      F**k Labour! They are an illegitimate government with no mandate and they know once these sort of taxes are implemented they will never disappear. Just like WFF, once implemented it is political suicide to take it/them away.

      • Robertv says:

        All the taxes you give as example are direct taxes which give those in power the right to know everything about you. In other words you’re a slave.
        In the US it started in 1913 with the enactment of the private federal reserve mafia.
        min 26.oo

        The biggest problem is BIG government left or right. Big government is always expensive and always corrupt a cancer for a healthy economy/freedom.

    • Cadwallader says:

      These pricks would not have set-up a “tax working group” unless they are convinced it will serve to create more/higher taxes. It would not have been established were there even a small chance of taxes being reduced.

  2. mawm says:

    A sunken foot path and a cyclone!!!! That’s it? Evidence of global warming?

    • KG says:

      Yep. A pretext no longer needs to be clever, it’s merely a fig leaf for theft and enslavement.

  3. tranquil says:

    I agree that this is completely and utterly stupid and a waste of time and money.

    However, there may be a bright side – the more time that the leftie morons spend on this stupidity, the less time they will have to work on flooding us with Muzz-scum!

    • Ronbo says:

      It doesn’t work that way with today’s Left – they never stand down – Like the Nazis they always double down and attack, attack, ATTACK! The days are long gone when the moderate Leftists were the loyal opposition who played by the rules and accepted the outcome of elections – only we patriots play by the rules – and so we continue to lose battle after battle.

      Don’t you think it’s time to throw out the rule book and become as ruthless as the enemy?

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    The Left = stupidity. So what else is new. Unfortunately, they have held the school system in their hands long enough that most of the current generation believe that what they feel is more important than facts. Why else would they buy into “We have to do something just in case this is true” despite all the evidence that the disaster they want to fix isn’t happening.

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s happened before in the 1920s/30s in Germany…Hitler came to power by legal means. He built a shadow government inside and outside the Weimar Republic – So when “The Day” came on January 30, 1933 – the takeover was easy because the military, bureaucrats, law enforcement, media, academia and the culture had already fallen to the Nazis.

      Thus the Weimar Republic became a House of Cards – and all Hitler had to do on “The Day” was to simply kick in the door – and the German Republic collapsed overnight…I daresay the same thing is happening today in all the countries in the Anglosphere to include the USA.

      If the Free World is to be saved at this late date it will be due to God, Guns and Guts in the hands of Patriots.

    • Robertv says:

      Who will be hit hardest by this policy? The poor and stupid. Who is voting these people in office? The poor and stupid.
      The Left = misery forever because without chaos and misery nobody would vote these ‘people’ in office .
      There is nothing progressive in a progressive.

    • mtamati says: is some backup for your comment..
      Obama policies to end ‘schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline’ helped keep Nikolas Cruz off police radar.

  5. Robertv says:

    The Left = stupidity.

    Why do they still have the best actor and best actress award. That doesn’t sound very gender neutral. So why is there not the best transgender award etc ?

    • Robertv says:

      The Oscar winners were nearly all white folks, How can that be in Los Angeles, California.?

      • Brown says:

        Just taking one last award for old time’s sake before leaving for safer climes.

      • mawm says:

        You mean they no longer have any talentless Whoopi’s to promote to show they aren’t racist?

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    The truth about the push to mitigate ‘climate change’

    As if most of us here didn’t already know this. Nice to be vindicated by a peer rewiewed report.

    • Darin says: One of my neighbors growing up served on the Yorktown at the Battle of the Coral Sea.

  7. Lara says:

    If Labour had one decent bone between them, they would have conceded on election night, and respected the will of the people. It was a frigging landslide win to National, and Labour’s arrogance in thinking they should be govt anyway, was breath taking.
    English on the night ‘the voters have spoken’ Ardern ‘MMP (Winston) will decide’
    FFS- that just made my blood boil. I was so looking forward to seeing the Princess’s smug smile wiped off her face, but then of course, the vile Peters betrayed both democracy and the majority of voters. I believe that Clark, Cullen and H2 are behind all the scenes, pulling the strings of the empty and vacuous Ardern, who cannot answer one question on policy, ever. Talk about a sham government, run by children, who don’t give a damn about what the public think or want. Go have your baby Ardern, and I am hoping, never come back. Gawd she makes me cringe.

    • KG says:

      “I believe that Clark, Cullen and H2 are behind all the scenes, pulling the strings of the empty and vacuous Ardern, who cannot answer one question on policy, ever.”
      My guess too, Lara. They’ve simply bypassed all rational political debate (which they could never win) and installed a “celebrity” as a front.

  8. Lara says:

    And as for MMP itself, we were lied to and sold and absolute turkey. Worse, we are stuck with it, as it de-powers the voters and empowers those who lust for power. I just give up. Try to ignore our useless and unelected govt, and as for the media fawning over Ardern, talk about undeserving. She has earned nothing and been handed it all

    • mawm says:

      If nothing else MMP has shown that an individual with a personal grudge can deny the will of the largest block of voters and hand over government to someone who has been rejected by these voters and who now believes that she has the right to make permanent changes to this country that will negatively affect all of those who voted against her.

      Instead of making her reign untenable the National Party has shown how spineless they are and handed leadership over to an appeasing, spineless man/boy “feminist”.

  9. Lara says:

    Judith Collins was the leader they should have picked, but no, instead they are going to try to out Ardern Ardern by playing the race card. Honestly, God help New Zealand. Bill English sidelined for a fake princess, and the largest bloc of voters shunned. I feel like I am in the middle of a Dennis Wheatley novel, where the forces of evil have taken over.
    You could not make this stuff up!!

    • KG says:

      Read this, Lara and be as furious as I am:
      What return does New Zealand get for splashing the cash in the Pacific
      “My word, what a week it has been for the Pacific, as Jacinda “Santa Claus” Ardern has wound her way round the islands handing out a small fortune.
      …But this week’s handouts are on top of, for example the $14m a year we give Niue, that by the way is $9000 for every man woman and child, so a family of four gets $36,000 a year from us without ever having to get out of bed.
      In Tokelau its $11,500 per person – $45,000 for a family of four. 
Surely we are entitled to ask, where does it go? What are the improvements? And just how much longer does it go on for?”

      While very many of NZ’s superannuitants are struggling…

      • mawm says:

        You can be darn sure that the recipients of this generosity don’t have the taxes that a NZ superannuant has either.

      • Lara says:

        Yep, totally infuriating. She is a complete commie, but also clueless and empty. Such a betrayal of NZ. Where’s Winston on this? Is silence is deafening…what a sick joke of a so called gummit.

  10. mara says:

    Lara, I don’t see race coming into this shit-shower; I see mega doses of progressive liberalism, looks, feelz, hugs and importation of the poor dispossessed victims on Manus Island. My little pony is still beloved by the leftist MSM but I sense that cracks are showing. She is already looking haggard and the Child of the Nation hasn’t been born yet. Her boyfriend is a fishing-boat crack head (yes true) and he will bail out when the going gets tough. I could almost feel sympathy for her sad future and that of the NZ economy.

  11. Lara says:

    Yes, her boyfriend is a total embarrassment, such a free loading hanger on, with no class at all!! No, I just meant the race card in National making a big deal of now having a part Maori leader. Still, I’d rather have National any day of the week. I agree, cracks are starting to appear, she looks haggard (she knows she is out of her depth). I also agree that Gayford (fitting name!) will bail when the good times stop, and I would not be surprised if she doesn’t bail as well, once the babe has been born and reality can’t be avoided. I don’t feel sorry for her, she grabbed power, (egged on by the Sisterhood, wonder if they will let her leave without a lynching??), but I do feel sorry for the voiceless electorate who did not vote for her or her ilk!! I avoid all MSM these days, its far too maddening!