The Blood Soaked Truth

“White Farmers in South Africa four times more likely to be murdered than anyone else”

The Daily Mail-

White farmers in South Africa have the most dangerous job in the country, are twice as likely to be murdered than police and are killed at four times the rate of the wider community, a rights group claims.

This week, as the government moves to seize all white-owned land without compensation, civil rights organisation AfriForum claimed there had been 109 attacks which left 15 white farm workers dead so far this year.

This follows 82 killings and 423 attacks in 2016, though none of the figures can be verified because the South African government has refused to release farm murder statistics since 2007.

Some of the killings are reported to have been barbaric, with farm owners tortured, raped, burned alive and slaughtered in front of their families.”



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N.Z. “Judge” Denise Clark is not fit for purpose.

Home-detention sentence for baby beating

‘…The Crown sought a prison sentence for the man, starting at three years.
However after giving him credit for remorse and the promise of employment, she sentenced him to home detention and ordered him to complete 160 hours of community work.
“It does seem to me with right environment you are able to behave in quite un-obstructive ways,” she told him.
“This is a long sentence for you, but it is a sentence that allows you to address the needs you do have.”….’

Child abuse  is an enormous problem in New Zealand, among the highest in the world yet this…person… calling herself an effing judge…. aaah, what the hell and what’s the point.

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A Good Father

Why a good father prepares his sons for war-

The Federalist-

“Our society has a mass failure of fatherhood. Even many of the fathers who don’t run out on their families can’t seem to figure out how to turn boys into men. That’s because most men don’t realize that is the goal for raising boys. Not to coddle them. Not to dump your insecurities on them. Not to lie to them about what life is and what life isn’t. Your mission as a father is to turn that boy into a man.”

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Peak Idiocy is here.

Not to mention Peak Corruption, with – yet again -propaganda being presented as truth:

Why New Zealand should ban internal combustion engines

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Open House

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The gun grab in Florida

Now, while recognizing that the “media” routinely distorts and chooses words to give their perception of events, nowhere in this story does it say a judge or anyone else determined this man was a danger to anyone. Weird and unbalanced, yes, needing help, yes, but not to the point of illegally removing his firearms.


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We don’t need more gun laws…

…if we are not going to enforce the ones we already have-

Obama administration forced the FBI to remove 500,000 names from the NICS background system-

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The New Red Scare

With all the recent fuss about Russians here and Russians there,lately there have been some interesting articles popping up.

This one is about Sweden being a “fortified” against Russian invasion.

Okay,so they are worried about Russians invading,but no concerns for the muslim invaders they welcomed in the front door with money,prizes and a sloppy wet kiss?If the Russians really wanted to invade Sweden,then the obvous tactic wouldn’t involve tanks and troops,just show up at the Swedish consulate and give them some sobb story.

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YAAAAY! About time!

‘Australia Examining Fast-Track Visas for Threatened South African Farmers
Australia is ready to consider issuing special visas to mainly white, Afrikaans-speaking South African farmers due to the “horrific circumstances” of land seizures, violence and murder they face.
Peter Dutton, Australia’s home affairs minister, told the Sydney Daily Telegraph on Wednesday his department was examining a range of methods to smooth their path to Australia on humanitarian or other visa programs.’

They’ll be a great asset for Australia, unlike certain other groups of “refugees”. It’ll take them no time at all to become Aussies and guess what? They won’t be roaming the streets at all hours bashing and robbing the locals. A refreshing change.

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