The New Red Scare

With all the recent fuss about Russians here and Russians there,lately there have been some interesting articles popping up.

This one is about Sweden being a “fortified” against Russian invasion.

Okay,so they are worried about Russians invading,but no concerns for the muslim invaders they welcomed in the front door with money,prizes and a sloppy wet kiss?If the Russians really wanted to invade Sweden,then the obvous tactic wouldn’t involve tanks and troops,just show up at the Swedish consulate and give them some sobb story.

Then the recent supposed nerve agent attack in the UK,which is possible,though if you wanted to off a couple people there are much easier ways than nerve agent.The British reaction was predictable,Theresa Jong Un even took time out from her busy schedule of denying free speech rights to visiting journalists and trying to find ways to undermine the will of the people who chose Brexit,to lodge a protest in Parliment promising all manner of sanctions etc,etc,but no mention of the billions of cubic feet of Russian natural gas imports they depend on to keep the lights on and heat going this winter.

No mention from her either about the Muslim invaders currently occupying large sections of territory in her own country,or that London is quickly becoming a satellite of Tehran.This got me thinking,let’s suppose Putin woke up tomorrow morning and said to himself,screw it,we’re going to invade.What would be the reaction in Sweden and the UK?Look at the current state of things on the ground in those places,the only real difference between them and 1970’s Soviet era is there are groceries on the store shelves.

Think of it,the UK and Sweden are both essentially police states.The citizenry aren’t allowed to own weapons without jumping through numerous hoops.They don’t have freedom of expression or freedom of movement if they disagree with the regime and odds are they are being watched on CCTV almost everywhere they go.

Of course this ironically does present some defense from invasion,afterall,what would be the point?They have already checked all the boxes-Authoritarian government that ignores the will of the people-check.Hard limits on personal freedom-check. A government structure totally in tune with maintaing itself with the people it claims to represent secondary to it’s own needs or wants-check.

And of course what would their leadership do if Russia did invade?



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32 Responses to The New Red Scare

  1. Pascal says:

    Beautifully put Darin. Had we legitimate SSM MSM, some editor would consider hiring you for op-eds. Don’t bother asking Murdoch’s organization as they are all suspect.

  2. Fred says:

    The “Russia Problem” (Trade Mark and Patent Pending by the CIA), like most government propaganda, is about power and money. The Russian people would be (are) natural allies of white North America and the other white countries. Ever watch any tubeyou vids of the Russians? They are just as silly as any redneck in ‘merika. They are literally just like us. I don’t want to fight them. Government ruins everything.

    Do you want to kill these people or party with them? Seriously, WTF?

    • Andy5759etc says:

      Careful with that party Fred. They can out drink almost anyone.

      • Darin says:

        I’ve known several and worked daily with a few,had no gripes with any of them,even one crazy muslim one.And honestly I think most people the world over just want to live an let live.It’s mainly the crazy arseholes that try to mess with the natural order of things that cause the most problems.

  3. KG says:

    What Pascal said – well put, Darin.
    “Theresa Jong Un”….. :mrgreen:

  4. Michael in Nelson says:
    • Darin says:

      We need to treat California the way Sherman treated Georgia.

      And Garcia needs to be sent through a woodchipper feet first :evil:

      • Fred says:

        Yeah but, let’s not reconstruct them and ‘invite’ them back. That’s where the North screwed up. If the North wanted to free the slaves (there is mounds of evidence against this “theory”) then why didn’t they just beat the south and take the Negroes back with them and then let us, the South, go our own way in peace? That’s what the South was attempting to do in the first place before being illegally invaded by Lincoln. Why didn’t Lincoln emancipate the northern slaves? Why did Lincoln repeatedly say he wanted them sent back to Africa? Why did Lincoln say they couldn’t function in a high trust society? (my paraphrasing)


        So, if Cali needs a good butt whoopin’ about now, and who’s to say they don’t, then let’s do that but please let the commies go commie with themselves thereafter. Don’t invite/force/let them back into the union.

        Or…is it all about power and money?

        • Darin says:

          The CW was about power and money.The wealth of the industrial north was built on the back of slave produced cotton and timber from the south.The northern markets didn’t control the cost of those raw materials,the plantation and growers guild did.In 1850 the wealthiest city in America wasn’t Boston or New York,it was Charlston South Carolina.In 1850 half of the millionaires in the US lived in Natchez,Mississippi.
          The Northern Mill owners had tried on several occasions to have congress levy tarrifs against raw materials produced in the South.These attempts ultimately failed,but provided the spark that lit the flame of the south’s desire for independence.

          After the war the Northern mill owner’s dream was finally achieved.Carpetbaggers went south to gobble up all the availible land and Timber and they instituted the sharecropper system which basically meant all Southerners were now slaves,both black and white to their new northern masters.
          The CW was never about ending slavery,that was just the excuse used to justify it.The war ended with 620,000 dead Americans and another 476,000 wounded and amputees.An entire 1/4 of the US landmass was burned and looted and the tyrannyical darkside of Abe Lincoln saw to it we wound up with the all encompassing,overbearing Federal government we have today.
          “Reconstruct” is a funny word with a different meaning depending on which side of the Mason Dixon line one lives on.For me it will always be known as the War of Northern Agression.

          • Ronbo says:


            You are right that the main reason the North and South went to civil war in 1861 was over “States Rights” – However, the “State Right” in question was whether or not human beings could be held in bondage – The North freed all its slaves at the conclusion of the American Revolution – which was all about the establishment of liberty for all persons in the USA.

            Thomas Jefferson – himself a slave owner – admitted the South had a “wolf by the ears” in regards to slavery – that it wasn’t pleasant to hold blacks as slaves, but if you let them go they might turn on you. Jefferson – a man ahead of his time – also predicted the issue of slavery would cause civil war at some point.

            The United States until 1865 tried to do the impossible: To be half free and half slave at the same time. In order to secure a single nation, the North compromised with the South on the issue for decades after the Revolution – but at the end of the day in 1860 and the election of “Black” Republican Lincoln – the policy of appeasement fell apart and bloody civil war settled an issue that the best minds in America could not settle by way of elections and compromise.

            Do we not see the same happening today in a general way? On the one hand we have the Socialists who hate the United States with every bit the passion the old slave owning elite in the South hated this country….and on the other hand we have the Nationalists who love, honor, support and defend the constitutional republic with every bit the vigor of the old Lincoln Republicans.

            Once again the die is cast – compromise, elections and the best minds have failed to hold together a country half socialist and half nationalist – so like in 1861 the issue will be settled by ultra violence – and we will be lucky if only one fourth of the country is destroyed and we only lose a million people.

            • Darin says:

              Ron,if it had not been slavery,it would have been some other excuse.Slavery was not the issue that caused the Civil War,it was simple greed.
              In terms of slavery,don’t you find it odd that both Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln objected to judicial review which was directly responsible for the disasterous Dred V Scott decision?
              The congress had already outlawed the slave trade by 1807 and had the SCOTUS not given itself the right of judicial review and gotten DvS wrong odds are slavery would have ended well before 1860.
              However I maintain that the conditions that actually cause the CW,would have still been present and some other excuse would have been found.

            • Fred says:

              “The North freed all its slaves at the conclusion of the American Revolution”

              This statement is flat out inaccurate.

              In fact, there were more slaves per capita in neutral and northern states AND the emancipation proclamation only freed the southern slaves. The 14th amendment freed the northern slaves.

              “but if you let them go they might turn on you.”

              Jefferson petitioned to free his slaves but ENGLAND told him, a subject of the crown colony of Virginia, no. England wanted the cheap labor. Virginia adopted this same policy after the revolution.

              As to your conclusion, that the country is half socialist and half nationalist this is also inaccurate. That America is many nations is the problem. We are not a common people. Commies, nationalists, baptists who will side any government, latino’s, drug cartels, governments, preppers, lingering north – south problems, blacks, whites, millions believe everything the TV tells them, veterans, muslims invading (with no weapons whatsoever in their mosques. Pfft.) Gun owners, gun controllers, apathetic idiots, tribal lands, cajuns, scots-irish, hillbillys/rednecks, The mountain west folk don’t necessarily like the south. maybe they could stay allied after voting fails but maybe not, etc.

              I could go on and on. America is many nations. Think Yugoslavia, only worse, way worse. Here’s the thing, 3 days without electricity and 90 percent will fall in line and do exactly as they are told or starve. That leaves veterans and preppers who have bi-partisan lists of those who need to be hung from the neck until dead. But how many vets will fight for a government? Even the current half tyranny? Who knows.

              You have way over simplified the problem. This ain’t 1860. I don’t mean to be rude, I’m just blunt.

              Respectfully, Fred

          • Fred says:

            Precisely. that is the most succinct and accurate explanation I’ve ever read about the CW.

  5. Robertv says:

    The real problem of the west

    “Young People Have Given Up on Freedom”

    Camille Paglia interviewed by AEI’s Christina Hoff Sommers.

    • KG says:

      I hope they do.

      • Darin says:

        Yep,it would be a good lesson on two fronts,namely that the Isles should have been fracking a longtime ago and two never be dependant on anybody.
        I doubt they would learn from it though,they seem to be oblivious to reality.

        • KG says:

          They’ll get bitten by it eventually, and picking a fight with Putin is sure to rattle the big dog’s chain. :grin: They still suffer from delusions of power and relevance.

          • Darin says:

            In a comment under a related article,someone said-
            “Putin would not dare mess with a Margret Thatcher,trouble is May, is no Margret Thatcher

    • mawm says:

      Instead of baiting Putin Nato, the UK and America should be engaged in constructive dialogue (they try with all the hideous regimes elsewhere). Russia is a natural partner to the West for the coming shitstorm.