Open House

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Preach It!

“We’re the first ones taxed and the last ones considered”  Amen Brother!

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Inching towards Open War

The left has no clue what’s in store for them-

The Daily Wire-

The comments section is where it’s  interesting-

“Exactly. The next civil war won’t be race on race. It won’t be state on state. It’ll start with real Americans vs. the self-proclaimed “elite”, and they don’t stand a chance. They don’t have the numbers, the knowledge or the firepower. It blows me away that they truly think this is a fight they want to pick. The only thing keeping them all alive is our respect for rule of law. As soon as they confirm that the rule of law no longer applies, what exactly do they think is going to happen?”

“In practice there is very little difference between the stupid and the evil.If a gun grab happens,I don’t intend to waste anytime sorting the two out”


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Solomon Burke “Fast Train”

One for Darin

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Media lockstep

giving the impression of popular sentiment:

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Open House

We must take action to ban assault food now!

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Gets a Courtroom Thrashing
‘…Several debates have been run in the UK, although BBC Scotland in 2014 banned broadcasting them because they would “be in breach of the editorial guidelines on impartiality”. The BBC, notoriously, lied for years and fought FOIs in the courts to maintain that its policy to muzzle sceptic views on climate had been recommended in 2005 by a panel of top science experts. It was finally revealed that 25 of the 28  panel members were green activists and journalists. Only three were current scientists (all alarmists).’

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“do you know what an assault weapon is?”

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the logical endpoint

of “social justice”:

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Open House

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