Inching towards Open War

The left has no clue what’s in store for them-

The Daily Wire-

The comments section is where it’s  interesting-

“Exactly. The next civil war won’t be race on race. It won’t be state on state. It’ll start with real Americans vs. the self-proclaimed “elite”, and they don’t stand a chance. They don’t have the numbers, the knowledge or the firepower. It blows me away that they truly think this is a fight they want to pick. The only thing keeping them all alive is our respect for rule of law. As soon as they confirm that the rule of law no longer applies, what exactly do they think is going to happen?”

“In practice there is very little difference between the stupid and the evil.If a gun grab happens,I don’t intend to waste anytime sorting the two out”


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24 Responses to Inching towards Open War

  1. KG says:

    The problem is, the “elite” have the money and the contacts to hire an awful lot of muscle.
    It won’t be any walkover.

    • Darin says:

      Yes,but hired security generally aren’t true believers.My only real worry are still foreign actors,their presence would prolong the conflict.

      • Ronbo says:

        If the U.S. Civil War of 1861-65 is an example of foreign intervention in an American insurrection then we have nothing to fear on that score…

        The CW II – if it breaks out in all its bloody fury – will be fought by Americans against Americans – and the odds favor the Patriot/Republican side for a number of reasons to include the fact that the “Blue” or traitor side is most powerful in the big cities, which can be isolated, put under siege and picked off one by one in a sort of Spanish Civil War (1936-39) replay.

        Yes, it will not be a cake walk for either side and anyone expecting a resolution in a single battle, or in a single year is badly mistaken, just like they were in 1861.

        • Darin says:

          I fully expect Balkanization to occur first,America will bust up into 10 or more regions and the battles may well be quick and fleeting in many of those locales.The big cities will be tougher nuts to crack,if the feds step in and try to impose order.I don’t think they would be sucessful in their attempt and the problem will sort itself in a few months assuming the Patriots take the offense and cripple the infrastructure.Less than three days of food on the shelves and a vulnerable water supply do not a fortress make.

        • Heltau says:

          Big cities can be cut off from food, electricity, water.
          then see how the big city eats it’s self in the libturd way.

      • Grey says:

        It won’t be state to state or city to city. It will be door to door.

        Thanks to social media, everyone knows what side everyone is on and where to find them.

        It’s going to get out of hand quickly, it will be over quickly, and it will make Rwanda look fairly civil.

    • Kell says:

      Then we do what they do, go after what their security values more than money or sides…their personal lives, just like they come at ours! THEIR jobs! THEIR employers! THEIR neighborhoods and THEIR families…reciprocity! They don’t care who gets hurt, why should we!
      Reciprocity is fair play and if these “security” people get involved, they can’t possibly be in two or three places at the same time, so, give them the choice…protect their assignments or possibly lose what they care about more!
      F’ them, they start this it gets finished!

  2. KG says:

    By “hiring muscle” I was also referring to the left’s ability to drum up foreign support.
    Referring to past conflicts is now of limited value because the world has changed in very profound ways. Networking, sabotage, logistics and communications will decide the outcome, not the number of weapons in patriot hands.

    • Darin says:

      I would expect those tactics to be employed by the Patriots as the opening volley,and the “invisable men” that make modern life work lean heavily to the right so fixing that infrastructure won’t happen until they decide to do it.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Whatever…Like the officers told us in the U.S. Army – “The plan goes up in smoke when the first shot is fired.” – but I do know this from being a history major in college and my observations in my 70 years on this planet – the most organized and ruthless side wins a war.

    I look at both sides in what is shaping up to be CW II – and both have a track record for organization, ruthlessness and passion for winning….which side has the potential for being the most organized, ruthless and a winner?

    My best guess is the Patriot side. Yes, we have a reputation for being rational, nice, decent, quiet, law biding people – much like our Union ancestors in 1861 – but this is a peace time orientation – in a war when the only thing that matters is winning at any price – I think our side will do what is necessary – and we have our percentage of psychopaths willing to march thru a river of blood to achieve victory.

    Did you know in CW I – the winning side – the Union did total war on the South – they burned, raped and looted what had been the richest section of the country? Horribel war crimes done to our own people! POWs? On both sides 60,000 soldiers on both sides were literally starved to death in various infamous POW (concentration) camps. Yes, We have all heard of Andersonville and the death of over 13,000 Union prisoners in that Georgia hell hole, but we don’t hear of the dozens of Union POW camps where the “favor” was returned to Southern soldiers, who died like flies of easily cured diseases, abuse and starvation.. All the major Southern cities – except for a few like New Orleans were burned to the ground. The CW I only ended in 1865 because the South literally ran out of healthy soldiers to fight the Union – a generation of Southern men had either been killed in battle or survived as armless and legless veterans. After the CW I, hardcore Union soldiers fearless in battle wrote about being shocked by the hatred in the eyes of Southern women…No wonder why.

    You would think Americans would learn from that horrible experience – the deaths of over one million civilians and soldiers out of a population of only 32 million- and the destruction of the richest part of the country in a space of only four years – and the hatred that lasted over 100 years especially in the South – but apparently we Americans have learning nothing and forgotten everything…

    Like the man said, “He who forgets history is condemned to relive it.”

    • MikeH. says:

      That WAS a very long time ago; so besides the “forgetters”, there is also the multitude of Snowflakes who have been cheated out of American History as an educational requirement.

      As long as the left (and the Snowflakes) believe they are the absolute epitome of bad-assery, wearing black balaclavas and swinging protest signs, they will not be prepared for the down and dirty, hardcore realities of being in a live-fire shooting battle. Furthermore, when the time comes to “fall in and count off,” they will discover they have been highly mislead about their overall troop strength, then the AWOLs kick in. A “cakewalk”… NO. But no Korea and / or Vietnam either.

      • KG says:

        “..That WAS a very long time ago; so besides the “forgetters”, there is also the multitude of Snowflakes who have been cheated out of American History as an educational requirement.”
        Modern conservatives have a track record of caving to pressure from the left, of failing to support fellow conservatives when they’re attacked by the left, of being fragmented and disorganized and failing to recognize that incrementalist tactics are eating away at Western civilization. All while an opponent with a clear and ruthless strategy has colonized and corrupted our key institutions from top to bottom – including what are supposed to be opposition political parties to the leftist agenda.
        The mantra that ‘those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it’ is nowadays largely bullshit. It’s repeated by those who at the same time (rightly) accuse generals of always fighting the last war. In any case, human beings are given to irrational actions which again and again lead to violence and misery and no amount or number of history classes will change that.
        The gun in the hands of patriots might look attractive from a distance by those who’ve never been shot at and have no family and job to protect but the war won’t be won that way.Remember, as Andrew Breitbart said, “politics is downstream from culture”. A shooting civil war would bring chaos and no clear outcome in its wake.Certainly wiping out a horde of mindless leftist useful-idiot foot soldiers might seem satisfying as a fantasy but it would be ultimately useless.
        The western world has changed and the tactics and attitudes of conservatives must change to accommodate the fact. The left understands that and has modified tactics to suit. They can win this without a shot being fired and they near damn have.
        It’d be easy for me as an old man to just say “fuck it” and shout defiance and threats because I wouldn’t have very long to live with the consequences. Things are very different for those who would have to.

        • Brown says:

          While I suspect you are correct the fact remains that history has thrown up dark horses in the past that show that a surprise is just that because no one thought that what happened would happen. The left is more likely to consume itself and we can see signs of that already. That will be ugly enough but the idea of a real civil war is not something conservatives should be looking forward to. The State vs State bickering should stay in the courts and you just move to where you get what you want. Lefty states would fold pretty quickly because economics always wins.

            • Ronbo says:

              The only people who want civil war in this country are the insane and a large section of the American Left…You’d think with the success of their “long march” thru the institutions and the slow – but sure – takeover of education that insures a Leftist majority in the next generation they’d be happy.

              This is not the case with the Left – if anything they have become more irrational, angry and violent in rhetoric – and at some point this witch brew of verbal/written hatred will boil over into massive physical violence.

              • Darin says:

                It will most likely be the left that starts it,we on the right will finish it and the burn through all those leftist “warriors” will be swift and epic.
                Look at Antifa,there is your textbook leftist army,then look at how quick they fold once the blood starts flowing.

                • KG says:

                  hmmmm…true enough, but what government resources will be drawn into supporting them once it turns hot?

  4. Fred says:

    I largely agree with the quoted comment.

  5. Darin says:

    ” what government resources will be drawn into supporting them once it turns hot?

    I don’t think many,the Antifa types have already wore out their welcome in most cities and barring the formation of a SS style force I don’t see anybody willing to step into the fray for that bunch.

    • Brown says:

      Will the Military generally and National Guard in particular disobey orders?

      • Darin says:

        Probably,since it’s an all volunteer force and 75% + men and women who put the Constitution first.

        • Fred says:

          The long march has started in on the military. It was pretty much the last institution. I fear in that in several years it will follow any order given.

          • Ronbo says:

            The Leftists in America have to date pretty much followed the same plan Hitler devised in 1925 to takeover the Weimar Republic.

            The Nazis tried to overthrow the German Republic in 1923 – but that ended in failure and the imprisonment of Hitler and other Nazi leaders, so when Hitler was released from prison, the Nazi plan changed to overthrow the German Republic by democratic and nonviolent means – which was the years long “March Thru The Institutions” and Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 by legal means.

            The same general thing has happened in America – all major Institutions: Academia, Religion, Cultural, Media, Bureaucracy, etc. are controlled by the Left. It is only in the political arena that the takeover is contested and Patriots sometimes win the day as happened in 2016 – but success at the polls hang by a thread with the ability of the Left to steal elections by the votes of illegal aliens.

            So the Left moves in for the kill….every day they become more and more honest about what they stand for, which is pretty much what Joseph Stalin stood for….

            I would say that at this point in the Leftist putsch against America, the only way they fail is if the frog jumps out of the boiling water….You know how that works? If you want to boil a frog to death increase the water temperature slowly because if you raise the heat too much, the frog leaps out and saves itself.

  6. KG says:

    What Fred said.