Preach It!

“We’re the first ones taxed and the last ones considered”  Amen Brother!

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17 Responses to Preach It!

  1. Fred says:

    Government always thinks that the leftists are the regular folks. This guy does an excellent job explaining the fallacy of this understanding. He makes some great points. I’m telling you, governments big and small in the US are going to screw up and piss off the normals if they keep it up.

  2. KG says: BRAVO!

  3. Yep. that’s what I thought when I first heard that this morning.
    Preach it!

  4. Fred says:

    I watched it again. It get’s better. I think it’s one of those that’s gonna have legs. It’ll be around for many years. Reminds me of this guy who escaped commie Cuba.

  5. Darin says:

    I love this Sheriff-

    “Our citizen have concealed weapons,if you kill someone,we might kill you back.We have one jail and 356 cemetaries-Enjoy your stay.”

    • Ronbo says:

      Hey Now!

      London, England proves that if the Government grabs all the guns, the murder rate falls to levels seen only in New York City….Wait!….Hold the press! The murder rate actually rises above NYC levels because the bad guys use knives.

      • Yokel says:

        Some thick Plod* with lots of scrambled egg^ all over his uniform has actually suggested in all seriousness that is might be necessary to outlaw knife blades with points on them. He claimed that all cooking can be done with blunt ended knives.

        It went very silent almost immediately, so was probably one of those “run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it” ideas. Which makes me think it is due another airing now we have had some more killings. Just like the eruptions of US gun control “debate” after a bunch of particularly “newsworthy” gun killings.

        It will be interesting when they get to screwdrivers, such as in the case of the pensioner who used the would be thief’s own screwdriver in self defence. Thief died. (Hither Green, South East London)

        *deliberately pejorative slang for a policeman
        ^such as the uniform of a high ranking officer

        • KG says:

          They’ll try to ban everything except thuggish behaviour, the dishonest bastards.
          Banning golliwogs is about their level of expertise and courage. :evil:

          • Darin says:

            And now we have laws to remove guns from people deemed mentally unstable.
            Only problem is if a person is really crazy enough to commit mass murder how is taking their guns away going to prevent that?As if guns are the only mode availible to those with violent intent.

      • Fred says:


  6. carol e milton says:

    his speech has gone viral —

  7. Great speech, short, to the point and powerful.

    • K2 says:

      The NRA should buy the rights to the vid of his speech and broadcast it as commercials far and wide.

  8. Robertv says:

    If you fight for equality firearms are the way to go. Especially women should be in favor of this right. Countries with equal military force won’t attack each other.