the logical endpoint

of “social justice”:

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17 Responses to the logical endpoint

  1. Fred says:

    “the logical endpoint”

    I might have went with “the purposeful endpoint”. But it’s here nor there, after all, they want us dead and it’s their ‘logic” and it’s their “purpose”. So yeah.

  2. Fred says:

    #MarchForOurLives Gun Control Rally protected by men with guns, lots and lots of guns.

    See, they don’t want gun control, they want you control.

    • KG says:

      “See, they don’t want gun control, they want you control.”
      Exactly. Why can’t so many supposed ‘conservatives’ see that?

      • Ronbo says:

        …and the Left forgets that the American Revolution started because of a Gun Grab by the Imperial British Government on April 19, 1775 at Lexington, Massachusetts.

        I would predict the same thing if the American Imperial Federal Government tries a Gun Grab in our century.

        America is not Australia – If the Government wants our guns they must pry them out of our dead, cold hands.

        • Ronbo says:

          Speaking of which:

          Civil War II in progress gather if this is the attitude of most British….err…Democrats.

        • Robertv says:

          Big Brother doesn’t like We The People.

          That’s why history is no longer taught in today’s school system.
          History teaches that the ‘State’ is your biggest enemy.

        • Robertv says:

          I don’t know if you saw ‘The Death of Stalin’ but the part that described best what it means to live in such a system is when Stalin needs a medical doctor and they discover the good ones are all executed.

          The smart snowflakes should realise that they too will be on the blacklist.

          • Ronbo says:

            Yeah, I went to see the “Death of Stalin” last week – which was billed as a “Comedy of Terrors” that I thought was not funny at all – but very chilling – especially that part where after Stalin’s seizure in 1953 his lackeys can’t find a good doctor because Stalin had all the best in the Russian medical profession executed or sent to Siberia.

            In my college days I was a fan of Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn – who somehow survived ten years in the GULAG – and whose first five years were spent as a scientist in a GULAG “special prison” in Moscow – where Stalin’s best scientists – who happened to be real or imaginary opponents lived under severe military discipline and 18 hour unpaid labor 7 days a week working on super weapons for the dictator.

            Meanwhile, the KGB officers in charge of the various projects – who were supposed to be the best scientists in Russia – were so poorly educated and had such low I.Q.s that they had trouble understanding what was going on in the research institution- and appointed as de facto supervisors such as Solzhenitsyn’s fictional character.

            There were some interesting scenes in the book, “The First Circle” where the college education at the University of Moscow of one of the KGB officers who supervised the scientist-prisoners takes place – and their technical education was a joke – and their grades were not important – but everything depended on how politically correct and what good little commies they were – and this female KGB officer was a good little Communist – so she graduated from the electronics course knowing her Marxism – but knowing nothing about electronics.

            Do we not see the same happening in America and all over the Western World? An excellent example would be Obama who graduated from Harvard using his below average I.Q. and lacking the ability to write a literate sentence in English.

            America is becoming Soviet Russia – and minus a bloody civil war where we can terminate Leftist traitors in mass – we will end up with a Stalin and a “Comedy of Terrors” that are not funny at all.

            • Robertv says:

              Don’t forget you lost your freedom in 1913 when you gave it away to a non governmental entity.

              • Fred says:

                Look, that banksters have only put us into trillions of dollars of debt and crashed the economy every 10 years. What’s the big deal?

      • K2 says:

        They take a little slice at a time, always advertised as “common sense” gun control and then apply the SOP leftist “ratchet” effect – anything passed never gets removed, now on to the next slice.

  3. Robertv says:

    1010 ‘No Pressure’

    We are just minutes away from that endpoint when the wrong people get even more power. But first they will come for your guns.

    ps Everytime they talk about ‘smart cities’ they really mean Gulags.

    • Fred says:

      I’ve been saying this to young people for years; “You’re going to waltz right through the front gate of the electronic prison compound…and you’re going to pay for the privilege.”

      They always have that sheepish look. They freakin’ know it already.