“do you know what an assault weapon is?”

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39 Responses to “do you know what an assault weapon is?”

  1. Ronbo says:

    What is an assault weapon?

    An “assault weapon” is what I say it is and not a thing less or more.

    Any more questions?

    I simply must be off for the Red Queen’s birthday party for Alice!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  2. Robertv says:

    What is an assault weapon?

    These snowflakes are .

    Their ignorance will bring massive death and destruction. There are NO Safe Spaces in a place like nazi germany or stalin’s russia.

  3. KG says:

    And they really believe, which makes them usefully ignorant tools.
    Obama’s “Civilian Army” is here and it’s nothing more than an unarmed mob at the moment. I’m waiting with great interest to see how the anti-gun hysteria will be converted into armed mobs of self-righteous little murderers.

  4. When I watched the video I kept on thinking “caught with your pants down, caught with your pants down, if your not careful you’ll get caught with your pants down”. They want to ban assault weapons and don’t even know what one looks like.

    • KG says:

      Very leftist of them, isn’t it?

      • Ronbo says:

        ….and how very Leftist – some would say Communist and treasonous worthy of a death sentence – of a former guardian of U.S. Constitution calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment.


        I see all these recent Leftist screams and scenes of anti-gun rage more evidence that the Left plans a coup against the Republic – and the disarming of the public a necessary step to insure their success.

        Of course, the Leftist idiots do not understand when the anti-gun hatred rises in the Republic – NRA membership doubles – gun/ammunition sales head ever higher – and the membership rolls of unofficial militias increase.

        So far the Right has stood down – but I remember the 1990s and the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building by a patriot – the FBI massacre at Waco – and the FBI murders at Ruby Ridge – and if the Left isn’t careful – if the Right believes the gun grabbers are coming – as they did in the Bill Clinton presidency – the Rightist militias will rise and make the 1990s look like a Sunday picnic.

        • Ronbo I have no doubt, that if they take your guns it will only be a matter of time before you have as much freedom as under Nazism. Under Nazism, you could continue to run a business if you paid 66% income tax on your profit and hired whoever they wanted you to hire.

          You could choose your occupation, as long as you were productive in it and paid a high rate of income tax. You had these freedoms until of course they started to fight big wars.

  5. How I look at it: An assault weapon is any weapon I use to assault someone. A defensive weapon is any weapon I use to defend myself against assault. In other words, all my weapons are defensive.

  6. Brown says:

    The good thing about this clip is that the protesters’ ignorance is now apparent for the rest of the world to see. Personally, I’ve always tried to be a dick when no one is watching.

    • KG says:

      Me too, Brown. :mrgreen:
      But then, self-awareness isn’t their strong point, is it?

      • Communism’s opening lines are ‘workers of the world unite’, they do things as a group, as long as enough people believe their lies they gain more and more power. The mainstream media only presents their view and calls everybody dissenting view Maori bashing and racist. That’s why self awareness is not their strong point. It doesn’t exist, that’s why they are called commun_ists. They work as a community.

        • Ronbo says:

          I wonder if the writers of Star Trek were thinking of the Leftists and the Muslims when they created “The Borg” the ultimate Communist/Collectivist.


          Islam is an ideology that poses as a religion. Marxism is a religion that poses as an ideology.

          Birds of a collectivist feather.

          • Robertv says:

            Big Government wants to and has to control every aspect of your live to gain and stay in power. Form 1040 tells you you live under a Big Government. We The People and direct taxation can’t exist together.
            Anyone who is complaining about Facebook using your data should be much more concerned about the data your government is collecting.

  7. Brother Antony says:

    According to Hollywood an assault weapon is what a man keeps in his trousers.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    • Ronbo says:

      I doubt it.

      He’s the low I.Q. and foul mouth “Attention Hogg” astroturfed into public notice by the Democrat Party and its Leftist drones.

      In another week people will be saying “Hogg, who?”

    • Pascal says:

      This one delivers the retort.

      Let’s see how long TPTB let this stay up.

      • Fred says:

        Once somebody, anybody, makes themselves a public figure they are open to all reticule. This isn’t just me saying talking. The US courts, including the supreme court, has determine that the speech of making fun of public figures is protected speech.

        Hogg is dildo boy, a runt, and as they say in jolly olde England; “He’s a cunt.”

        You don’t get to be the fresh new poster boy for 21st century communist gun control and just walk around like it’s ok. Not gonna happen. It’s not ok. An ill wind blows his way.

  8. carol e milton says:


  9. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile in Rome – the Communist Pope Francis announces there is no Hell, thus overthrowing 2,000 years of Christianity…..now back in the old days he’d be burned at the stake for heresy, but today he will no doubt be awarded a Nobel prize for his “courage”….Plaster falls on worshippers in St. Peters….God is not happy.
