Open House

We must take action to ban assault food now!

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112 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    Something you don’t see everyday-

  2. KG says:

    I suspect there’s a lot wrong with this killing:

    First, he was “approaching” the cops while carrying a machete. No pepper spray? No tasers? No mention of them.They shot him dead.
    The spokesthing then says “the safety of our officers is paramount”.
    Get screwed – the safety of the public is supposed to be paramount, that’s why police officers are paid a premium for a risky occupation.
    The same police force a while ago got a panicked call from somebody I know telling them a gang member was on his way to where he lived after threatening violence. This was at night in a rural area. The response of the policewoman on the ‘phone was:
    “call us when he gets there” !!!

    As for the bullshit figures about armed confrontations cited in the “news” report, take a look at this link and decide for yourself:

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    Unreal. Dual cit MPs won’t be required to pay back the money they weren’t entitled to, but if you’re a student…

  4. KG says:

    Peter Jennings is executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and a former deputy secretary for strategy in the Department of Defence.
    He writes:
    ‘Leninists with nukes pose new risks to global peace’

    ‘….Step two: we need to double our investment in alliance co-operation with the US and like-minded partners in the region, particularly Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Sadly, New Zealand’s failure to join other democracies in expelling Russian spies and Wellington’s kowtowing to Beijing shows that this is one old ally that already has given up the fight for Western values.’
    (Behind paywall, unfortunately)

  5. Robertv says:

    Tiangong 1

    Everyone still alive ??

  6. KG says:

    Utter, dribbling mindless “U.N. Partnership” horse-shit from the NZ Herald, in an editorial, no less:
    ‘… Climate change means countries are not just getting warmer, they are getting more extremes of wet and dry weather and bigger storms. Just this summer, some regions have suffered drought, followed by unusually heavy rainfall from tropical cyclones. Plant growth has been disrupted, crops destroyed.

    The results were seen in prices of vegetables. In November a group of doctors warned in the Medical Journal that low income households could not afford to eat properly. Instead of greens on their plate, those children are being given instant noodles and white bread.

    Because “parents” are incapable of growing a few green vegetables. But heaven forbid someone should mention parental responsibility, eh? :shock:
    Count the lies and distortions in the article.

    • Darin says:

      In our increasingly socialist countries the low or no income households are eating better than the middle income ones,that is of course dependent on where they buy their food and what they buy.Buying dinner at the local stop and rob convience store is a diet that doesn’t feature much fresh veggies.

      When I was in 1st and 2nd grade the school I attended had it’s own greenhouse and it’s own produce farm and actually educated kids that not only did our food not grow on the store shelves,but you too could grow your own.Course they also taught home economics so that later when young adults and starting a family of their own they had the tools to make a success of it.

      All the other freedoms we have are the freedoms that give us another freedom we take for granted-Freedom from want.

  7. Gregoryno6 says:

    If the left had had the slightest inlkling of the threat posed to them by the internet, they would have killed it before it got loose.
    They probably saw it as another opium for the masses. Cat photos and old music clips. They realise now what power it has to bring them down, but too late.
    Old News Media is suffering worst because its mask has fallen off. Before the internet, news was a one way street. They produced, we consumed. If you knew that one particular item was full of glaring inaccuracies you could do what? Grumble to the spouse? Write a letter to the editor?
    The internet has given everyone a voice with which to respond. Google, Youtube and Twitter have the power to actively censor – the old media could just pretend that opposing views didn’t exist – but these tech giants will fall in their turn too. And that fall may be sooner than anyone suspects. Alternative sites are emerging, governed by people with a genuine respect for the citizen’s freedom to speak.
    We will have to give up the idea of the internet as the Palace Of Free Stuff. That may mean buying a subscription to a newspaper. For most of us, though, it will mean donating to support our preferred sites. That shouldn’t bother us. The lesson we’ve learnt from Facebook is blunt and simple: if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.
    Happy Easter one and all.

    • Ronbo says:

      ….So Facebook, Amazon, Google and YouTube are doomed to fall in what looks like Twilight For The Big Gods of The Internet, as one after the other they will crash & burn to the little people of the Internet looking for a better deal.

      Too bad! So sad!

  8. Lara says:

    Our MSM is in Jacinda damage control, several puff pieces this weekend in the Dom Post about the Princess select and how wonderful she is, front page. Wow, Helen must have had a word! I think though, the public has already had a guts full of such an inept and out of her depth leader and so-called govt!

    • KG says:

      Du Plessis was scathing though. Lara.

      • Lara says:

        Soper as well. Guess they can’t ignore what is right in front of them. May it long continue…govt coming undone in a few short months, despite their ‘win’…thought the voters had right

  9. Gregoryno6 says:

    Update on the situation of replies to Christmas parcels. Short version: real -people reponses received!

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, a certified animal war hero who keep the USMC in beans and bullets in mountains of Korea…Such animal soldier stories remind me of Cold War animal patriots like Corporal Danny Dog of (naturally) Company “D” of the First Battalion USASATR at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts.

      When the troops would march to class in the morning and back in the afternoons – Corporal Danny Dog was at the front in step with the drum proudly leading his company to the delight of the troops and onlookers. Danny was a handsome young St. Bernard who loved people – especially children – and was a kind of animal rock star at Ft. Devens in the summer of 1967.

      This popularity didn’t sit well with Duty NCO Staff Sergeant Drake of “E” Company – the next door neighbor of “D” or Dog Company. Drake wanted to get an American Eagle as the Company official pet, but alas! This was against federal law. So Drake hit on the idea of a cat – and not just a small alley cat – Drake wanted a big kitty to upstage his arch Duty NCO rival Sergeant Kelly of “D” Company.

      One weekend day while tooling around the boondocks of New England in his Ford pick up truck, Drake came upon a circus going out of business and selling off its animals. Guess what? The last animal up for sale was a Puma – a mountain lion. Drake was from Texas and a former cattle salesman and drove a hard bargain, so he got his Big Cat at bargain basement prices complete with cage, instruction booklet on the care and feeding of the Puma, and about six months worth of Big Cat Food.

      Drake’s plan was to follow the weekday Company parade in his pick up truck with the Puma in her cage – and the C.O. – a newly minted captain went along with the hair brained idea figuring a seasoned NCO like Drake knew what he was doing. So the battalion was mustered the next afternoon with Corporal Danny the Dog at the head of “D” Company facing the near of “E” Company and the pick up truck and cage of Sergeant Heloise The Puma. Of course, Danny hated cats and attacked the cage of Heloise The Puma. As you can imagine wasn’t a fan of dogs – and in the ugly incident in the back of Drake’s pick up truck the engaged and very large Danny Dog knocked the cage off the back of the truck and the door popped open.

      What happened next was somewhat confusing and loud, but apparently Heloise The Puma decided that a retreat to the woods of New England might be her best option, so off she went across the Parade Ground at top speed heading for the woodsy Officer Housing compound followed by Danny The Dog harking at her heels….

      The story has a happy ending. Danny The Dog was demoted to civilian and adopted by a loving Massachusetts family with kind children. Heloise The Puma was arrested by Animal Control and later adopted by the Boston zoo, where she found true love with a large male Puma. Staff Sergeant Drake was demoted to buck sergeant and sent to Shemya, Alaska, where he bribed an Air Force crew to bring him as a pet a St Bernard.

      I think the moral to the story is if you can’t beat ’em join ’em.

  10. Darin says:

    Should Men’s Sheds be male only?

    Can’t we have just one space where we can be left alone?

    • KG says:

      Heh! I saw an idiot item yesterday in a NZ “news” outlet: “A man-cave for the whole family”

  11. KG says:

    ‘Intel Officer Explains Why Obama Could Be ‘First President In History’ To Be Hit With a FELONY INDICTMENT’

    • Darin says:

      I would love to see that jack ass hauled off to jail,but I’m not holding my breath.

    • Darin says:

      Forced minimum wage hikes have been the kiss of death everywhere they have been tried,good to see the employees are noticing.

  12. Yokel says:

    Following the links above to The Daily Vine I chanced upon this one:

    “In reference to your inquiry concerning the March For Our Lives Demonstration, here in the District of Columbia on March 24, 2018. MPD received a permit application several months prior to the actual event, and there was several months of planning for this large event.”

    Unless “several” is an alternative for “one or two” this does seem to raise a few more questions than it answers!

    • KG says:

      My favourite:
      “The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

    • KG says:

      Bolton always did have a big brass pair and all I can say is…about time, Donald!
      This is exactly what’s needed right now. Screw globalism.

  13. Ronbo says:

    KG Quoted:

    ‘Intel Officer Explains Why Obama Could Be ‘First President In History’ To Be Hit With a FELONY INDICTMENT’

    A lot of Patriots are thinking that a better idea for Obama punishment would be execution if convicted of treason.

    Yes, the USA has never send a president to prison – much less executed one – and this makes us so far behind the rest of the world – even Third World countries execute former heads of state from time to time!

    …and didn’t Britain – America’s Mother Country – execute King Charles The First for doing unkind things against the Parliament and People of England?

    I say it’s time America catch up the rest of the world and execute a former head of state, although the Russians will be way ahead in the execution of former rulers because not only did they shoot the last Czar, but his entire imperial family to include the butlers, maids and dogs.

    • Fred says:

      That’s the most solemn Christian ceremony to commemorate the resurrection of our savior that I’ve ever seen from the white house.

      America will very likely repent and turn back to Christ after this.

  14. KG says:

    ‘Pittsburgh Woman Turns 107, Credits Long Life To Never Drinking, Smoking…’
    In fact she’s just 37 and just feels like she’s 107.

  15. Darin says:

    Hogg changes his story,he was no where near the school on the day of the shooting-

  16. Ronbo says:

    Did Fox News just grow a pair of balls?

    It sure looks like they did!

    Fox will stand by their woman!

    The usual thing is when the Left dumps all over a Fox Rightist their fellows run away like crazy….I’ve never understood this appeasement and I hope this marks a change for the better.

  17. Darin says:

    Most distant individual star ever observed-

    9billion light years is a bit further away than I have gas money for.

  18. Darin says:

    Restoration of a Bulova Accutron Spaceview watch-

    Those were some fine watches in their day and not cheap.

  19. KG says:

    ‘A freight worker who threw a boiling cup of coffee at a co-worker has been awarded $15,507 after the Employment Relations Authority found she had been unjustifiably dismissed.’

    And while we’re at it, take a look at this steaming pile of horse shit: :evil:

    • mawm says:

      Just the usual commie transport crap – tax fuel for cars, don’t fund highways, and spend up big on rail…. that no one uses. I’ve asked this question before; “Why are commies so hooked on rail?” I have a theory that it comes from all those artistic rail scenes by David Lean in Dr Zhivago.

  20. Darin says:

    But they have strict gun control so this can’t be happening

    • Ronbo says:


      Also, ban rocks and clubs!

      Question: Before guns were widely available before the 19th century – How did people manage to kill one another?

  21. KG says:

    Top U.K. Prosecutor Stepping Down over Social Justice Agenda… ‘Guilty Until Proven Innocent’ Rape Trials…
    …Police ‘Trained’ to Withhold Exculpatory Evidence

  22. Pascal says:
    CNN Contributor: It’s Okay to Call Black People Racial Slurs, As Long As They’re Republican

    (there’s a video at the link at the link)

    The take-away is that the Party of Jim Crow never really left. It’s complete with can’t go low enough sell-outs to do the whippings for their rich racist plantation network owner. Ted Turner cannot deny he’s fine with it. I’d love to see him cornered by some real journalists on this.

  23. mawm says:

    “Mother of the Nation”, murderer and psychopath, Winnie Mandela, follows her husband to the arms of Lucifer. Not one tear will be shed for her by millions and millions of South Africans of all hues.

    A little bit of truth from Stefan Molynuex.

  24. Darin says:

    Hornady Bullet Cam-

    Only onsale one day a year

  25. Ronbo says:

    Trump Moves South: U.S. Army to be sent to the Mexico-America border…

    No word yet if they will be accompanied by armor, artillery and paratroops/special forces.

    Also, no word on “shoot-to-kill” orders targeting border jumpers, or razor wire/land mines…Ditto German Shepherd war dogs.

    My idea would be for the USA forces to move ten miles south into Mexico and turn that into a “death zone” – so a would be border jumper would have to run a Mexican gauntlet before the razor wire, land mines and machine guns on the USA border.

  26. KG says:

    ‘Robbed of memories and money, a 96-year-old veteran gets his Mustang back in full glory’

  27. Darin says:

    Iranian vegan shoots up Youtube HQ-

    Is it just me,or does she just look crazy?

  28. Pascal says:

    Make no mistake about it. All Western globalist bent “democracies” are intending such a fate for you should you harm any one of their unofficial agents. In this case, charged with murder for killing a burglar in a struggle during the break-in.

    Real journalists would make the government deny how this looks like sovereign immunity has been passed along to the burglars of the UK.

    • KG says:

      Passed along to burglars – and rapists and adherants of a murderous cult/ideology/ religion as well. In fact pretty much anyone who is helping destroy civil society.

  29. Michael in Nelson says:

    All this kerfuffle about the Pope maybe saying there is no Hell reminded me of a comedian from the Southern US. He did a number of religion jokes and one was…

    There’s Northern Baptists and Southern Baptists but there’s a difference. Northern Baptists say “There ain’t no Hell.” Southern Baptists say “The hell there ain’t!”

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, the things that we joked about years ago – same sex marriage for example – are legalized today and not the subject of jokes – unless you want to get fired from your job in the USA, or sent to prison as is the case in Britain.

      • Darin says:

        Sounds like Jerry Clower,he said the church he attended 10% of the congregation donated 90% of the money to keep the church going.
        He made a motion at the church business meeting one night that they publish a list of all the people what didn’t donate and pin it to the church’s foyer wall.
        He said the motion didn’t pass because there were too many christians in the church :mrgreen:

        A Coon huntin Monkey-

  30. Pascal says:

    Essentially: Mother of 4 denied rights without trial for noting that m-f transgenders are sterilized men.

    It’s only a little more complicated than that, but a lot more sinister. An activist claimed that stating the noted fact was abuse. Then activist was permitted to train the police over a period of months before they pounced on the mother.

    Yet another example of how Leviathan seeks to deny all individuals’ inalienable rights by inventing new rights it chooses to see as superior. Choosing conveniently winds up entirely in the governing sovereign’s hands alone.

    Granting members of some special group a right not to be offended and that made up right supersedes the rights of everyone else IS A SCAM.

    What is missing is relentless commentary on how it is a scam, plus open discussions of the overall unpleasant consequences of the scam. I’m pretty sure nobody but this Mum has yet seen the need for this coup of our Rights to be flushed out for punishing scrutiny.

    That is what a free press and free men used to do. Dammit all.

    This is quite simply an element in the Big Program to end the idea of inalienable rights.

    Oh, and because one can be charged Soviet-Style with mental illness for pointing out the pattern of growing tyranny, perhaps this comment belongs in the Inching Towards Open War thread.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I was on the road this morning and heard Mike Hosking on this. He was all “He’s 18, what’s the issue/’ Hey Dude, she’s married! Her actions go toward trustworthiness and her lack of it. Do you want a cop that can’t be trusted by their spouse handling your callout?

  31. KG says:

    “Our soldiers have been deployed to defend many countries. Now it’s time for them to defend our own.”

  32. Darin says:

    Corey Lewandowski to Dem House intel committee-“I’m done answering your Fucking questions”

  33. KG says:

    Ignorant leftist ghetto trash with no respect for civilized norms: