Media lockstep

giving the impression of popular sentiment:

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14 Responses to Media lockstep

  1. Pascal says:

    You may find that this one is even more to the point KG.

    The Soviet-Style Media has never quite made it so clear as here: It’s them or us.

    SSM becomes more clear each day they became less mainstream. And they are frightened.

    Update… 2.4 million views in 48 hours.

  2. Darin says:

    Not too far off in the future is it?

  3. KG says:

    Just about every time I see an overpaid news anchor propagandist nowadays the phrase “scum rises” springs to mind….

  4. Yokel says:

    Have a look at this from Paul Joseph Watson:

  5. Darin says:

    “Unregulated Farm Tiling Puts States Waters At Risk”

    “journalist”? No,paid activivst and partisan hack

  6. Ronbo says:

    Gee, a recent poll finds 77% of Americans think the “traditional” news is Leftist/Democrat Party propaganda…but what boggles my mind is 23% still believe the Lamestream Media.

  7. I never get tired of seeing these collages.

  8. Gregoryno6 says:

    The shootings at Youtube HQ have provided an example of the opposite lockstep: united, we STFU.
    ‘A collective gasp filled rooms where celebrities sat and talked, as they waited to see if this would be the attack that finally put their gun control push over the top. But as they waited, the news faltered. The shooter was a female. Moreover, she was Iranian. And she used a handgun instead of an “assault weapon.”’
    Damn, that’s inconvenient.