Mugabe on the way out?

Possible coup-

I’m assuming his replacement won’t be any better,but it would be nice at least for that POS to end up on a slab.

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It begins-

Sessions considering special counsel to investigate Clintons-

It’s about damn time.

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BPS-The Ultimate Sacrifice for Countries that no longer exist

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Open House

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To All Those Who Answered The Call-

November 11th All across the west,a time to remember those that served and those who are still serving. Remembrance Day in The UK,Canada,Australia and New Zealand and Veteran’s Day in the US.-

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Clowns now in charge of a country:

NZ to go big on climate change


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern lashes Australia over treatment of Manus Island refugees
This virtue-signalling idiot and her sheeple followers seem to be missing some information. Either that, or they believe that these illegal immigrants will somehow magically reform the moment they set foot on NZ soil. Or perhaps they’re merely being Standard Dishonest Leftards?
I hope Kiwis bear in mind the fact a minority voted for these clowns and that by any reasonable measure of democracy this is an illegitimate government.

‘The residents of Manus Island say there’s been a spike in violence and offensive behaviour, following the release of asylum seekers from Australia’s detention centre.
….”The others that have come in lately: they’re a different type. They’re very aggressive. They don’t ask. They take what they want”.

“There’s been – some of them have been having sex in the public toilets in the market, in broad daylight, with young girls”….’

Source? Australia’s leftist ABC!

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Arse Hole of the Week

All these idiots-

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Lord preserve us

from this effing babbling loon and her ilk.
‘Lisa Heinze is a PhD candidate Sustainability, Fashion & Everyday Life, University of Sydney.’


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Virginia elects first Transgender to public office

From the comments-

“I love President Trump but his election seems to have started a trend of novelty politics. High schoolers, Trannys, and black women now but coming soon to local-state politics near you: Refugees, Illegal immigrants, Muslims (of course), convicts (in prison), rape victims, celebrities, rappers, foreign residents who can’t buy a plane ticket, and the ever-popular Hillary Cliton. Democrats will elect anyone who can be characterized as a victim of White Priveledge.”

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Lying Libtard Media

Can’t even feed fish right?

Very #FakeNews CNN Caught Editing Video to Make Trump Look Like a Feckless Boor in Japan (VIDEO)

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