Open House

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Arse Hole of the Week

NFL owners,players,sports announcers,news anchors and various other overpaid,talent less hacks.

It’s a bumper crop of Arseholity boys and girls 

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“Take a Knee is total Bullsh-t”

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A British University has blocked an academic studying a reported surge in people regretting transgender surgery, claiming a “social media” backlash to the “politically incorrect” research could harm the institution…’

Apparently, blocking the truth does no harm whatsoever to the institution…

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‘Jackboots in Rainbow Hues’

‘…Now I hear the same hateful message: anyone daring to oppose gay marriage is on the wrong side of history. Sure, if we bow before the piled-up power and privilege of the elitists, they win. Then we can expect in other fields new inhumanities, fresh deceptions, more servility. And always, because this is the way of the preening Left, new penalties and sanctions on its critics. Inside every leftist wardrobe of assertions and responses, as history has demonstrated time and again, there is a pair of much-loved jackboots…’

From a brilliant article in  Quadrant magazine.

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Open House

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Arse Hole of the Week

There are many about,but there are few that are particularly gifted.

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Don’t start none,won’t be none-

“Muslims facing backlash in Myanmar-

From the AP-

“After a series of attacks by Muslim militants last month, security forces and allied mobs retaliated by burning down thousands of Rohingya homes in the predominantly Buddhist nation”

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Google’s real racism.

‘Is Google attempting to cover up an inconvenient hurricane truth?
…If you care to take the time to review the endless stream of videos out there from these disasters, particularly of the widespread flooding from Harvey, one truth quickly jumps out at you: the Americans driving those boats and operating other rescue vehicles are far and away mostly white males, and a disproportionate number of those being rescued are people of color.  Yes, there are numerous Hispanics and some blacks among the rescuers, but the undeniable reality is that the bulk of that huge rescue team was lily-white – and, even worse for liberals, Southerners, which represents a truly inconvenient truth for all those rabid progressives who would have the world believe that Southern White Males are all vicious racists, most of whom have freshly laundered white-sheet KKK attire hanging in their closets…’

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Great Britain?

Not anymore,Trump was right again,the police did have knowledge of the bucket terrorist-

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