Open House

Looks like I am in for a little stormy weather this weekend as Tropical storm/Hurricane Nate moves in.

The mayor of New Orleans has declared an emergency….probably found a couple Confederate statues they missed taking down 

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Explain this, gun grabbers;

via Bastion of Liberty

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Arse Hole of the Week

There is no shortage this week 

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If you have a few minutes…

Take a bit and visit our friend Pascal over at his blog-

Pascal Fervor

He has a couple posts up on the sorry state of affairs that exists in our world that have been brought about by the unhinged behavior of the left-

“Resentful people at all levels of society, but particularly at its highest levels, have gotten away with murder for far too long. What they murder is peace. Peacefulness allows for the pursuit of happiness by the widest number of people. Happiness, as I’m inferring, is the thing that the unhappy resent the most.

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Hungary Defiant

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Breaking:Mass Shooting at Vegas Concert

50 dead including the shooter-

Shooter identified-

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Catalonia Votes Yes!

Yes vote-

It was not without violence on the part of the Jack Boot Thugs aka “police”  however-

With apologies to Robert for not posting this sooner 

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A Lying Quartet

Victor Davis Hanson has some thoughts on the previous administration’s plethora of lies and treason-

A Lying Quartet




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Apple – power mad and dishonest

Yet another Apple press release disguised as news:
‘macOS High Sierra – New virus threat could be the biggest reason to update your Mac
…According to new research by Duo Security, Apple’s computers are at risk of attack due to core software being outdated.
In fact, Duo Security says they found that of 74,000 Macs they tested, over four per cent ran insecure versions of software that springs into life when a computer is first switched on…’
According to Apple, any software not from an “Apple-approved developer” and bought through the Apple Store is “insecure”.
Which is – of course – utter bullshit and merely another greedy grab for even more revenue.
Buried deeper in the article:
‘It’s worth noting that EFI attacks on the general public are not something that are currently commonplace with Duo confirming, “Thankfully, as far as we are aware, there are not any EFI exploits that are being used as part of commodity exploit kits, malware, or ransomware that has been detected in the wild.”
“There are easier, cheaper, and arguably more effective ways in which attackers can target home users.” ‘
‘…In order to provide a safer and more secure experience in this area, macOS High Sierra automatically validates Mac firmware weekly.’
Too bad if Mac owners prefer to be responsible for their own security – that’d get in the way of these greedy assholes making even more inflated profits.

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NZ Herald, peddling fake news again:

Puerto Rico Gov. Praises Trump’s Swift Hurricane Response

NZ Herald front page headline:
‘You are killing us’: Trump goes golfing amid disaster

Why would any reader trust anything this socialist rag publishes?

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