
Things just don’t add up with this one-


“On Monday, Boyle said he and his wife decided to have children even while held captive because they always planned to have a big family and decided, ‘Hey, let’s make the best of this and at least go home with a larger start on our dream family.’

And –

Boyle was once briefly married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior al-Qaida financier who had contacts with Osama bin Laden.

The Canadian-born Omar Khadr was 15 when he was captured by U.S. troops following a firefight and was taken to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay. Officials had discounted any link between that background and Boyle’s capture, with one describing it in 2014 as a ‘horrible coincidence.’

Somehow I just don’t buy it 

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Gun “Control” in Australia??

Not so much-


Sunday at the south-side club is gangster night. The blokes in streetwear – G Star Raw, Adidas, Louis Vuitton man-bags – the women in not much.

It’s an exhibition of murky trades: drug dealers, bikies, standover men, the underworld’s rising stars and wannabes.

They come from across the city to party and be seen, sweeping into the sprawling neon-lit club like royalty.

The ones flush with cash can spend big to get a VIP booth above the action, while the up-and-comers cluster in knots around the bar.

It looks like just another night fuelled by bravado, booze and cocaine, but they are also here to talk business under the cover of the pounding trance.

Contacts made in this club will blossom into drug deals, black market weapon sales, and violent feuds around the city.

In June, word spread that an AK-47 was available for $20,000.

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The Left:Populated by Violent Lunatics

NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch forced to move after multiple death threats from anti-gunners

The Free Beacon-

“National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch announced Sunday on Twitter that her family had been forced to move suddenly after she received multiple death threats from gun control advocates.”

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FFS! #39,528

Apparently Thomas the Tank Engine is sexist and Dr Seuss is racist-


Are there even words for this level of stupid?


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Open House

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NZ media – peddling propaganda. Again.


Complete with pretty, bandwidth-hogging graphics. So it must be da troof, right? At the end of this propaganda piece we see the agenda revealed:

Charlie Mitchell travelled to Kiribati as part of Stuff’s partnership with Unicef NZ….’

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Arse Hole of the Week

Bumper crop again this week girls and boys-it’s a target rich environment if there ever was-

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NRA…all about the money.

Remus on the NRA and “bump stock” controls.

Always presented as “reasonable”, until we wake up one morning to find that we’ve become serfs, subservient to our leftist masters.

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It’s been a Bad couple weeks…….

…for the left.

Trump’s EPA just canned Obama’s power plant regs-


Continue reading

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Much Respect for VP Pence-

While attending a football game today and players from one team took a knee,VP Pence did the right thing and promptly walked out-


In a later Tweet-

“I left today’s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem.”

My hat is off to you sir!

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