Open House

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Catalan Parliament declares Independence from Spain

Read here-

“Barcelona (AFP) – Catalan lawmakers voted Friday to declare independence from Spain but Madrid immediately moved to quash the breakaway bid in a sharp escalation of a crisis that has caused jitters in secession-wary Europe.

As tens of thousands of pro-independence activists gathered outside, the regional parliament in Barcelona passed a resolution to “declare Catalonia an independent state in the form of a republic”

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FFS! # 85,625

Kellog’s Corn Puffs Cereal? Raaaacissst!

Embrace the crazy –


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Rules for Rationalists:

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Arsehole of the Week

Hold on to your hats boys,it’s a big haul this week!

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NZ Herald’s propaganda recycling headline:

‘The Big Read: Our slow moving disaster as sea level rises’

On behalf of the U.N.? The Greens? Al Gore?
Who knows?
All the Herald’s “science reporter” Jamie Morton has done is gather the most hysterical of Al Gore’s climate scam claims, the IPCC’s propaganda on behalf of the U.N.’s wealth distribution project and the combined claims of just about every climate racketeer and opportunist that slithers out from the taxpayer trough.


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Open House

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Arse Hole of the Week

This week a two-fer-

Ya and both you a–holes did your part in making it what it is- :evil:

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major horsecrap

‘Major NZ climate report: The five defining figures’

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