Faith Goldy: Google’s Social Justice Dream Team

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“The truth shall set you free”

Free to look for another job, that is. You bet it went beyond Google’s idea of “free speech” – the only speech tolerated by these avaricious, dishonest leftist bastards is that which they approve of.

Google fires employee behind controversial memo on diversity, reports say
‘…The employee’s memo, which was up for several days before going viral and igniting an internet firestorm over the weekend, attracted both vehement support and backlash. It reportedly left Google’s top brass in the quandary of deciding whether it had gone too far beyond the realm of free speech.
The author started by stressing that he valued “diversity and inclusion,” but that the matter required an “honest discussion” to truly solve the problem — instead of silencing conservative voices, as he claimed.’

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Beware of NGO’s

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Open House

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Delingpole rips a silly girl – and her ilk – a new one:

On a stupid bitch reviewing the movie Dunkirk:

“..If you were seeking the examplar of a decaying civilization in its dying moments, you really couldn’t do much better than this: a fashionable magazine celebrating handbags, girlpower and sexual perversion running an article by some half-baked feminist ninny making light of history and glorying in the notion that men, male courage and wartime cameraderie are, like, so totally irrelevant and passe….”

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Arse Hole of the Week

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We Are Winning….and They Know It

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Green Nazi Snake Oil Salesmen

“Cost of green energy driving Aussies off the grid and into poverty”-

American Thinker-

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Swamp creatures:

‘While the press has been promoting a ridiculous and ass backwards Russian collusion story, it has been sitting on a far bigger story:

The likelihood that the Congressional Democrats financed and enabled the largest espionage ring in U.S. history….’

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Open House

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